Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 1 without a job

I'm not actually writer, but I played one for three years while getting my M.F.A. from American University in Washington, D.C. Anyhow, in the course of obtaining my degree I had a short story entitled "Forty Days" published by the Wilderness House Literary Review. http://www.whlreview.com/no-2.3/fiction/AndrewBertaina.pdf

I was also fortunate enough to be anthologized in their best of 2008, though my story was published in 2007?

Now for things not related to self-promotion.
8:00 A.M. Woke up and conducted a round of sit-ups using my pilates class as a rubric for chiseling my abs.
8:15 A.M. Realized that no amount of rolling like a ball is going to chisel my abs. Briefly debated using a hammer like Michelangelo to chisel my abs.
8:30 A.M. Rooted around in the linen closet for a hammer, realized that combination of linen closet rooting and Pilates, (now apparently capitalized) made me suspiciously feminine.
10-10:30 A.M. Listened to Ulysses online read by a husband and wife combo. This book is still unintelligible, but at least they seemed to be having a good time reading it together...the bastards.
10 A.M.-2 P.M. In lieu of looking for a job stretched and then played basketball for two hours. Came home. Relived basketball glory in my head.
2 P.M.-6 P.M. Took my car in for a routine oil change. Routine oil change turns out to cost 604 dollars. Briefly debated saying, "That must be some expensive oil" to the clerk. Declined to do so because I was imagining myself pouring boiling pitch on his head from a lofty rampart.
6 P.M. 10 P.M. Discussed finances with wife. Come to conclusion that M.F.A. degrees do not result in people becoming millionaires. Consider starting my line of books written under the pseudonym Daniele Steel.
10 P.M. In lieu of trying to get a job started a blog.
11 P.M. Swore that I'd work harder to get a job tomorrow.

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