Sunday, April 29, 2012


Someone flung a glass of wine in the face of a gentleman during a theological or literary debate. The victim did not show any emotion and said to the offender: "This, sir, is a digression: now, if you please, for the argument.

Miguel Servet's reply to the inquisitors who had condemned him to the stake: "I will burn, but this is a mere event. We shall continue our discussion in eternity."

I have already written more than one book in order to write, perhaps, one page. The page that justifies me, that summarizes my destiny, the one that perhaps only the attending angels will hear when judgment Day arrives.
Simply,: the page that, at dusk, upon the resolved truth of days' end, at sunset, with its dark and fresh breeze and girls glowing against the street, I would dare to read to a friend---Jorge Luis Borges1926.


  1. to love is to be made of sighs and tears;
    to be all made of faith and service.

    seek experience joined to common sense,
    which to mortals is a providence.

  2. mellow does not always make for a good story,
    but it makes for a good life.

    a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
    an optimist sees the opportunity in every

    we are good eggs...but slightly cracked...
