Sunday, September 23, 2012

Brass tacks: potty training

We're actively trying to train some brass tacks to start using the toilet. No luck so far, but we remain ever hopeful. I jest, though not infinitely.

Unfortunately, S's complaints in mind, the potty training is going to fall to me. This means, like with most things that fall to me, that it will either a) not get done or b) be done in such a slipshod and fast way that the end result will likely be Sadie learning that it's just fine and perhaps preferable to pee in planters. I have little faith in how this is going to turn out.

Thus, I'm seeking out advice. Although, it seems strange to ask for advice on potty training.

"Put it in the toilet kid."

"When you pee, do it there." (Points to toilet).

I mean, it doesn't seem like the sort of thing for which someone should solicit advice. Therefore, I take it back. I am not soliciting advice. I've decided that the weekend of October 6th. Listen, I've managed to get Sades to poop on a couple of occasions, and though we wound up cheering, she hasn't exactly taken to it. Apparently the one thousand times we've opened her diapers and said "ooooohhhh" or "gross" has given her the idea that poop is not the sort of thing that one cheers for. While I'm happy about the proof of her intelligence, I'm less excited about our future prospects. In fact, just the other day as I was preparing her for a bath, she peed in the hallway, and when I opened the door she was standing next to the puddle saying, "dirty, dirty, dirty" and stressing out. As great as the Family Guy scene is on this, "We're Catholic" "Oh, then you'll want, you're sinful and that's concentrated evil coming out of you." I'm not sure that I'm happy that we've created that as a long term idea in her mind. In fact, I once had an Old Testament Scholar assure me that bowel movements were probably present in heaven as with all other good things. I might bring him in for a pep talk before the weekend.

I don't really doubt my ability to get this done. I just doubt my ability to stick with it. I tend to like my results quickly. I'm afraid if she doesn't take to it in an hour or so I'll wind up downstairs watching a game with her swaddled back in her diapers. But I suppose this whole parenting thing should be teaching me some patience. In fact, patience is what we're always trying to remind our precious little toddler of. Though, she has a tendency to say "patient" amidst rambunctious cries for things. We've learned the word more than the idea. So wish me luck as I'm certain I'm the one who will need it. Sadie will be fine, in less she dirties the floor with urine, or sin as we call it in our house. 


  1. i am a firm believer that it is easier to have 2 children in diapers...
    that way you can buy diapers in packages of 300
    and you can put off having to struggle with
    she will do it when she is ready...

    i still pee in the forest...isnt that okay??

  2. I think you've got it nailed. This isn't going to happen unless Sadie decides to do it herself.
