Sunday, October 20, 2013

On Idleness

On Idleness

                I’ve no belief in the private citizenry of our fair nation. Have you? I mean the question sincerely, no begging, if the term is being used properly, tricky one, that. It arises out of a profound distrust of humanity surrounded by a distrust of myself. Of course, one could fairly argue that I’m basing my political views from an entirely self-centered position, and therefore my whole argument is devoid of any deeper thought. However, I believe that Descartes began and almost ended this argument long ago. I think therefore I am. And yet, I am denied access to your brain, dear friend, and therefore I have only my own visceral human experience upon which to base my, in your estimation, subjective thoughts. This is all just a long way of saying that I don’t trust myself, and that I’m unlikely to trust you either, either because of my own personal understanding of human nature, or the fact that, you reader, are merely a projection of my mind. This, however, presents me with the same problem because if my mind is capable of deceiving itself enough to create an entire universe for my own enjoyment, I can hardly trust it to create a race of altruistic citizens. I hope you see my point. 

1 comment:

  1. was the greek civilization altruistic for many years??
    the romans for a time???

    my favorite title
    your quirks, dreams, and anxieties explained...

    a good friend is a connection to life- a tie to the past,
    a road to the future, the key to sanity in an insane world....
