Naturally, I was reminded that I used to blog. The similarities sadly end there as I've never met a handsome and eligible Aldovian prince, in part because it doesn't exist, and in part because life is full of disappointment. However, I did wonder why her blog, titled, Amber's blog, had gone viral, while mine stagnated at roughly 100 page views, 37 of which were me checking to see how many page views I'd gotten. The answer couldn't be as simple as the fact that she'd met a prince and existed in a fictional universe. So, like the Greek philosophers of old, I tried to dig deeper.
When that failed, I decided to just review A Christmas Prince. I kid. Too many great reviews of this movie already exist https://www.theringer.com/movies/2017/12/13/16769722/watch-netflix-a-christmas-prince-18-days-straight, and I don't want to spend my blogging hours retreading the same ground like a sappy Christmas movie about love. I see what I did there.
Like most people I know today, I spend the majority of my day staring at a screen of one sort or another. I'm not going to claim there is something inherently wrong with screen time, but rather, the issue is that it puts me in the passive role of consumer as opposed to creator, which exhausts me. It turns out that to be mentally passive can be incredibly stultifying. Thus, using Amber's blog as an inspiration, as well as the year 2003, I've decided to revive my blog like it's a beloved television character who was shot at the end of an episode in a cliffhanger. (In the era of peak television, more than half the time the character is actually dead. But I want you to know that a safer time to consume existed when you could always count on your favorite character surviving damn near anything, like Brett Kavanaugh at a job interview for the Supreme Court).
And what better way to revive the blog than to pay a brief homage to the movie that brought blogs back into the mainstream. Screams into void. Oh. It's just me here. Welp. I kid, of course. Reviving a blog that often focused on the quality of children's fecal matter is precisely the anecdote we need during this time of so much political divide. I can't wait to join the rich and intelligent debate we enjoy on such topics as................... Oh. Huh.
Do you guy's like A Christmas Prince or what? Let's debate in the comment section like it's an article on the NYT. I'm playing the part of troll.
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