It is well known amongst those with children and even those folks who have spent time with them, children, that it is important to give a small child, particularly girls, a nickname.
From Wikipedia:
A nickname (also spelled "nick name") is a descriptive name given in place of or in addition to the official name of a person, place or thing. It can also be the familiar or truncated form of the proper name,[1] which may sometimes be used simply for convenience (e.g. "Bobby", "Bob", "Rob", or "Bert" for the name Robert). The term hypocoristic is used to refer to a nickname of affection between those in love or with a close emotional bond, compared with a term of endearment. The term diminutive name refers to nicknames that convey smallness, hence something regarded with affection or familiarity (e.g., referring to children,) or contempt.[2] The distinction between the two is often blurred. It is a way to tell someone they are special and that you love them. It is a form of endearment and amusement. As a concept, it is distinct from both pseudonym and stage name, and also from a title (for example, City of Fountains), although there may be overlap in these concepts.
A nickname is sometimes considered desirable, symbolising a form of acceptance, but can often be a form of ridicule.
As such, the new addition to our family is in great need of an appellation that will redefine her existence within our structure. We've been in the process of trying out nicknames since the day she was born. I'm now eager to solicit some help in deciding on the proper name for little Sadie.
Monkey-Sadie derived this nickname by curling her prehensile toes up and clinging to one of the parentals chest in a decidedly primatey kind of way, curling her back and tucking her head down just underneath your chin.
Pro: The derivation story is nice.
Cons: Young ladies aren't particularly fond of being compared to apes.
Monkey Chicken-This name arose from S's freewheeling commitment to not actually making sense when applying a nickname. S doesn't feel constrained by things like applying a nickname to a particular action, rather, it's justifiable to just string together a second animal name after the first.
Pro: Uh.
Con: Everything else.
Little baby poops a lot-This name, earned by almost every child in human history, applies most specifically to s's habit of waiting to do her most outrageous pooping sans diaper.
Pro: It's true.
Con: It's not that creative, and it has the word poop in it, which is offensive.
Little Baby Cries a lot-See above, but go ahead and switch out poops for cries.
Grumbles: s, probably like most babies, I don't spend a lot of time with babies, has a tendency to start grumbling when she is about to wake up or fill her diaper with shi-. These little grumbles are a first warning sign to her parents that they should prepare for fussiness.
Pro: I kind of like grumbles.
Con: I think I might sometimes call her Grumble cakes after a Homestar Runner skit.
Sadie Cakes-This nickname came out of nowhere. Sort of. Her middle name is Kay, and so it seemed kind of natural to come up with something else that was appropriately cute to describe her. Sadie Cakes seemed to fit.
Pro: Lots of family type folk like it.
Con: Sometimes I like to agitate a little.
That's why I'm going to use this blogging space to give Sadie her publicly sanctioned nickname. The sort of nickname that I expect everyone to use if they aren't comfortable with calling her Sadie. If they feel that pull that we all do when we see something small to come up with a different name for it.
Marquis de Sadie-It's just a great nickname. It's strength lies simultaneously in its historical significance, minor obscurity and incongruity. If you want to learn more about the original Marquis de Sade see the Wikipedia entry on the link. The gist of the link is that he was the sort of guy that French prostitutes thought was a little gross. If that doesn't speak highly of a man's character than I don't know what does. Thus, S and I can exchange witticisms about how s is terrorizing us with her screaming like a French Prostitute.
Note: S doesn't have as rich of a sense of humor as I do, so she has yet to engage in any sort of banter that would be deemed inappropriate, funny, or just mildly interesting.

However, I just wanted to get that out there before we started introducing her around to folks. Either Sadie, or the Marquis de Sadie. Thank you.
haha, i never thought there was such a complex history behind the purpose of nicknames. thats hilarious!
ReplyDeleteHow about:
Or, what seems to just roll off the tongue when I'm around her:
Sadie Girl
You guys are the best!!! Give her a kiss for me!!!
i liked davids say dee.....
ReplyDeletesadie does not need to hear about poops or cries
sadie akes is cute
i prefer serendipity sadie..
(valuable or agreeable things found but not sought)
You can call her whatever you want. To her Ooma (and I think her Nana) she's Sadiecakes.
ReplyDeleteHer Nana does vote for Sadiecakes as well!
ReplyDeleteMary - I've been calling her Sadie Girl, too! It's meant to be. But I do also like Sadiecakes, as long as it's spelled SadieKaykes.
ReplyDeleteAunt Janet likes SadieKaykes--or how about Little ES --since that's how you're referring to her in the blog.