Thursday, June 14, 2012

The sunset's just my light bulb burning out

It's a Carolina kind of night: the warm wind blowing steady, the sun's light half-hidden by grey puffs of clouds and planes moving slowly through the silvery sky, a lone black bird flying to somewhere new.

This tremendous article is about a real American hero, who uses his Christian talk show to bash people who he doesn't like. Would it be too much to ask for someone to give me a talk show? I'm willing to say something bad about anyone. I'm willing to offend if you'll pay me.

Aside: To my theological friends, what does it mean that this particular guy believes in the same God and Christ that I do, but he has, what I believe to be retrograde views about people, particularly the GLBTA community. I mean, like from a, how  many angels fit on a head of a pin kind of way. Does this guy make the cut with Saint Peter? Does he get into the game ahead of someone like Socrates? Can we chalk him up as a modern day Pharisee? Of course I'm making an assumption, certainly a number of conservative folks might agree with his stance on homosexuality. In that case, I suppose I'm toast, which brings to mind a favorite anecdote from my Christian college days, when my friend Steve did something, and I, being very clever, quickly said, "Let me know how hot hell is when you get there," which lead to the natural response of "No problem. I'll just tap you on the shoulder and tell you." It's sticky, and reading an article about a guy who seems to espouse a whole lot of misinformation and general disgust with other human beings makes me feel icky. Yeah, icky.

Like most Thursday nights, it's time to curl up with Walt Whitman

"America, if eligible at all to downfall and ruin, is eligible within herself, not without; for I see clearly that the combined foreign world could not beat her down. But these savage, wolfish parties alarm me. Owning no law but their own will, more and more combative, less and less tolerant of the idea of ensemble and of equal brotherhood, the perfect equality of the States, the overarching American Ideas, it behooves you to convey yourself implicitly to no party, not submit blindly to their dictators, but steadily hold yourself judge and master over all of them." Walt Whitman (super dreamy)

I just sent out a Tweet. It's my seventh in the last seven months. I'm realizing it's a hell of a lot easier than composing a blog though. A college student had to teach me what hash tags and trending meant this past spring, but I think I get it now. I just put pound signs everywhere right? I'm in.


  1. Nice choice of music. Perfect for a hot dark night. I see you like W.W., commenting on the passing scene, giving your nod or your downcast eyes.

  2. and to think that glenn beck just signed a new
    5 year $65 million dollar deal to espouse
    his hatred and lies
    i'll send your resume to all stations looking for
    a new shock-jock!!
