Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thoughts catalog

1) Maybe I meant to say catalogue. I think I grew up spelling it as catalogue.

2) The strangeness of standing in the shower, remembering vividly being twenty, feeling it more real than the twelve years that separate me from it.

3) The beauty of a small child saying, "dance, dance" and parading around the house with her dolls moving widly.

4) Trying to show her how one of the doll's was capable of an excellent rendition of Michael Jackson's moonwalk.

5) The sudden consciousness of my beard. This is why it never gets long.

6) The embarrassment of a front yard covered in debris.

7) Not enough to roust me into action.

8) The simple beauty of a day after eleven hours of sleep.

9) Resisting the urge to ask another father his child's name at the playground, because the real reason is my desire to have Sadie repeat the child's name, so I can show him how advanced my little hellion is.

10) Sweet girl.

1 comment:

  1. target is really ...tar..shay
    wait until 50 when you wont even be able to see your feet in the shower!
    everyone under 15 will say "who is michael jackson and what is a moonwalk??"
    it is not debris rather "natures gifts"
    prepare for hellion #2, or hellion dos, or is it hellion II, or hellion the sequel???
