Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday with Sadie

6:32 A.M. I am awakened by the sound of lil s reciting her abc's. She's a big fan of y and z. She says it with panache. I'd be lying if I said she always nailed them completely. No two-year old is perfect. We appreciate her effort, though it'd be more appreciated around 8.

7:10 A.M. I feed lil s breakfast. "No yogurt!" she says. I can tell she's confused about what yogurt is, so I give it to her anyway. The addition of raspberries and Cheerios makes the whole thing amazingly appealing. She complied. Later she asked for more raspberries and said, "Dancing through fields of raspberry jam," which is a line from a book we've been reading. "It's fields of strawberry jam, I gently corrected her, reminding her how smart I was. I could tell she was impressed.


Lil s plays with the cords on the blinds for a while as I lie sleepily on the couch. I'm thinking about the strangulation hazard, but I'm also thinking that she's having a good time playing with them saying, "Sadie move blinds." I don't want to ruin her fun, so I just monitor the situation closely. After she's done with the blinds she says, "off a pillow." We put the couch cushions on the floor. She wanders around on the empty space saying, "bouncy." I'm trying to teach her how awesome forts are by lying sleepily on top of the pillows.

At some point during our day of play she peers over the edge of the couch and says, "Piggy Bank." This is the name of her piglet stuffed animal, a little guy who's been MIA for a few weeks. She's delighted to have him back and points out that he's pink, and also green, and that he has toes. Toddlers are less philosophizers than you might have been lead to believe. However, she's pretty pumped about Piggy Bank. He attends her diaper change, and apparently he needs a diaper change as well. As usual, every time her diaper is changed, lil s yells, "Poop." This is untrue. I try to explain the vagaries and subtle differences between poop and pee, but sometimes I worry that I'm not getting through.

We spent the rest of the morning lounging around, reading through the little Critter books. The little critter encourages Sadie to throw snowballs, eat healthy, and generally create a bit of havoc. Then I put on some Raffi and she tells me which songs to thumb up and which to thumb down. I either get, "again" or "new song." She has tastes, although she's a fan of the Muppets song that goes Mananana or something without ever having any other words.


  1. by now she must know the difference between poop
    and consistency,color,smell...
    obviously potty training has been put back

    a book to encourage a 2 year old to eat healthy?? she will eat what is put in front of her or throw it on the floor or her hair

    why is she up at is dark till 7 am?

    when did it become wednesdays with sadie??

    i am glad that she is impressed with you smarts and vocabulary and im sure she will love the outfit you pick out for her for halloween??

  2. What will she be for Halloween? Do you get t or t'ers at your door? She would love that.
    I vote for a pumpkin costume. Seems like a match.
