Monday, February 13, 2012

Musical meanderings on "Someone Like You"

Why is Adele's music good? Apparently it's good because of its amazing scientific ability to generate emotion, which, in turn, stimulates our dopamine receptors to desire more of that feeling. Even if it is sad. Go ahead and take a listen and see if you can identify the exact moment when Adele uses her scientific ability to trick you into liking this song. I'll post the article first, but I'd actually be interested if other people could identify the most emotive part of the song before consulting this article. Also, is there anything less sexy than trying to talk about why a song works? This is sort of like explaining a joke or stopping a bout of passionate foreplay to explain exactly why you're enjoying the experience. I heard an interview with the co-writer of the song, and he explained in a much more artistic fashion just why this song might work. Essentially something along the lines of a meaningful connection with the lyrics and emotion conveyed in the song and the depth of the artist's actual sadness. Anyhow, that's why it's way sexier to be an artist than a scientist, though Lord knows it's less profitable. (This probably doesn't apply as much to those scientists who get to do cool stuff like solve world disease problems or the frontiers of physics). That said, go ahead and also just enjoy listening to the woman.

The article is here.

Also, this existed before the article and before the NPR interview.

1 comment:

  1. i thought adele wrote all of her own lyrics and songs??

    when you say scientists i cant help but think
    of leonard, sheldon, raj, and wolowitz
    BIG BANG!!
