Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday-Homo Sapiens sleep around and BSG predicts the past

Signs you're probably listening to a senior or grad student:

Guy: I'm going to fix my cover letter.

Other guy: Eh.

Guy: My cover letter is going to be the shi-.

M: This isn't quite how I remember college. Thank god for the recession, these kids are actually worried about cover letters instead of kegs. It's beautiful.

In that vein, I read an interesting article about human origins. When I say human origins, I hope everyone understands that I mean roughly 400 years ago when Vishnu created man and woman in a painting made from whale's blood and fire. Point being, the article was interesting.

Synopsis for non-clickers-Basically, human beings have long been thought to have sort of bred neanderthals out of existence. I mean, the book I've been reading of late posits the idea that homo sapiens amazing ability to wean early and populate the world was the overriding factor in our rise to prominence. However, it has long been thought that homo sapiens also may have found ridged brows very attractive. This article, stunningly reveals that homo sapiens apparently slept around with other non homo sapien type folks. Including homo erectus, (the jokes just write themselves on this one) and homo hobilis as well as some others.

Relevant portion:

provides evidence that homo sapiens not only interbred with Neanderthals in Eurasia, they also had sex with several species of our ancestors across the African continent. And they did it often. "We think there were probably thousands of interbreeding events," said Hammer. "It happened relatively extensively and regularly."

The object lesson here is that homo sapiens enjoy breeding. This probably comes as a shock to you. I know it did to me. I'm more the type to spend the evening knitting and talking about how great it was to go fox hunting when I was a little boy. However, apparently other folks, dirty sinful folks, enjoy breeding. The article then makes a two pronged type thing.

1) The ending to Battlestar Galactica was just based on sound research, so no more whining about what exactly was happening with Starbuck. The plot twist was solid and possibly the truth. Maybe it was just a documentary about human origins thinly veiled as a fictional space story.

2) I'm going to build a time machine and go back in time to preach the ills of sleeping around to homo sapiens and maybe distribute some prophylaxis if it didn't encourage further sin. I think old homo sapiens need to hear some fire and brimstone. There is probably also a joke in here about home sapiens literally meaning knowing man and something about the Biblical sense.

3) When was alcohol invented? Did old timey man go to raves in caves. Yes, that sort of rhymes. I patented that shi-. Rave in the cave, my basement, two weeks from next Thursday.

4) What kind of a bender to you have to be coming off to go outside of your species/to a subspecies depending on your scientific take. The point is, home sapiens apparently used to have some long nights where they made some poor choices and then had to do the shambling walk of shame.


  1. i really like "rave in the cave"

    you must remember from homo sapiens to the crusades that travel and war took a long time..
    often months and years
    so what was a soldier far away from home to do???
    television had repeats and radio was AM only!

    plus while traveling men often found new
    exotic drinks-wine,hard liquor,etc
    drink and be merry...

    and the limk is..
    explore the human body in 3D-that was the problem,they "explored" the human body

  2. Thanks for catering to the non-clicker ;) And for your ever-entertaining blog, dear friend!! Hope to see you tomorrow!!
