Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stats for fun

Percentage of profits American corporations paid in taxes in 1961.....40.6

40.6? How do we expect companies to even bother to say in the U.S. If we want to stay competitive we need to drop those corporate tax rates, so they can make more money by farming out all the jobs overseas like banks did with that TARP money that was supposed to help people who were being foreclosed on. If we don't act fast we're all going to fall behind, and China is going to take over the world, and we'll all become Communist like Obama wants.


Oh. That stat was from 1961. Apparently they're getting a little more profit than I thought. However, if we'd just cut everyone some slack all those business owners would get the economy back on track by hiring lots of people. I mean, it's in the name, small business. Guess what? Small businesses hire a shi- ton of people. I jest. I respect small business owners as they have to work their asses off. However, I still question any sort of assumption that depends on a 70 percent consumer driven spending and a growth economy. Perhaps the problem is with our expected standard of living and not with the inability of our economy to grow like a landfill with all our trash.

Percentage of world's population that could fit in Texas by living with the population density of New York City.......100

Yeah but then we'd all be pushy and have obnoxious accents. Am I right? Come on NYC have sense of humor. So yeah, I guess we still have space in the world. However, I assume the poor won't be taking up my penthouse loft.

Estimated value of government subsidies that will go to oil and gas industries between now and 2015........78155000000.

They need the money. Poor little buddies. It's like your little bro after he's emptied out his piggy bank to buy some candy. The only difference is that these little buddies dump their product in our rivers and streams and oceans, so we can test grow new algae and stuff. I think we should dump oil more frequently, so we can figure out dispersants and grow new organisms that live on oil. I think oil spills are the future of science.

Average amount the tooth fairly left in 2010....3

I only got a buck. Mom, dad. You owe me like eighteen bucks.

Average in 2011................................2.60

The tooth fairy is cutting back too? Bless her heart.

Syrians killed in pro-democracy movements that started in March.......1,7000

So, yeah, not so good.

Amount an unemployed man in Utah is charging for the chance to hunt and kill him....10,000

Is life that cheap, good sir? I'd charge people at least twenty thousand to hunt me. But yeah, I think we've all considered either hunting someone or being hunted. It's pretty much a great idea all the way around.

Portion of non-interest federal spending that is dedicated to programs for the elderly 1/3

Icebergs. I jest.

Chance that an American fast-food customer uses posted calorie information to make food-buying decisions.....1 in 6

I only order my McChicken w/ no mayo.

Number of states in which less than 20 percent of the adults are obese.......0

What do you mean by obese? Is that merely a synonym for loquacious. Because if it is, I think the study made some mistakes.

Percentage of Americans in a July poll who said they approve of God's job performance......52

That's not a bad rating. We all know that people in power see a steady decline in approval ratings as their tenure gets on. Therefore, God's tenure, a few billion years now, is actually going pretty well. Imagine his approval ratings after the creation of the sun? They had to be through the roof! I think 52 percent isn't bad.

1 comment:

  1. uif that tooth fairy pays in euros then it is not such a bad deal..
    i have never seen the number 1,7000..
    is this a new calculating method??
    blame the elderly for all our debt problems..
    problem is the country is getting older and older
    my approval rating never got above 25%, but then who cares...i was a dictator!!
