Monday, October 10, 2011

Thoughts on an autumn evening-Third Eye Blind as panacea

If ever a long period of time in your life passes and you start wondering about things like meaning, God, whether love can ever be truly selfless, if the oven is still on, whether the plants have been watered, if the Egyptians really built those pyramids or whether it was a crew of industrious aliens, if animals have souls and will be a part of any sort of afterlife, if the afterlife is anything that a human could conceive of, if you find yourself worrying about dark matter and a big hole being torn in the universe like a cheap sheet from Target, whether the people you love/like will live as long as you'd like, if it's been too long since you've stared into water or at an undiluted sky, if you look as good or as bad as you suspect you might in those jeans, if anyone notices or cares that you always iron your shirts, if you are in fact in sound mental health, if this is the year that winter never arrives, if you find yourself worrying about lead, leaks, monthly budgets, the future of humanity writ large in light of things like nuclear weapons and man's inherent evil, if humankind, because you're gender inclusive like that, will turn a corner and become something else, the Yellowstone volcano, asteroids, missing a movie just because Rotten Tomatoes gave it a low score, whether people of the opposite sex still notice you, the shape of your dog's kidneys after some strange stool samples, water quality, flight patterns of birds affected by the construction of cell phone towers, strip mining, stripping as it pertains to getting appointed in Poland, nearly extinct beetles, new varieties of beetles, overly long or slightly misshaped fingernails, explaining death to a child, whether you can continue to work at your job, at your relationships, if you worry about plaster and e-waste and parking attendants, it's probably time to sit down, shut up, and listen to some Motorcycle Drive By, and think, I think it might turn out all right, maybe not forever, but probably at least for the night.

1 comment:

  1. so alone yet so alive...good words to live by
    yesterday i had an hour long disussion with my neighbor about "inherent evil" in man
    interesting exchange of ideas about politics,
    corporate america, rich-poor struggle,
    countries, religions,philosophies and cultures
    now i will go look for spiders in my broken plaster....
