Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesdays With Sadie

The day started out in a lovely manner as S decided to brave the cold weather and walked to work allowing lil s to sleep in until 8. Few things bring me more pleasure at this point in life than actually sleeping a full eight hours. Thus, we both woke up in a good mood. And it's pretty cute when a 15 month old is in a good mood. Mainly because if they are not in a good mood they cry. And crying is awkward when you're a dad who's been raised by sitcoms and told that crying is awkward, even when it's a baby.

Lil s started the day with her usual assortment of amazing breakfast items while I poured soy milk on Kashi. She let me know that she was done with her meal by throwing a couple of pieces of bacon on the floor. I almost spanked her. It's not okay to waste bacon.

We then went off to the living room where I explained that bacon was invented by Prometheus shortly after fire, and that he was currently having his entrails eaten by a vulture on our behalf, and I'm pretty sure she understood me. She showed her understanding by shoving a wooden doll in my face, which is baby for, "good point dad."

I got on the computer for a while and let her play in the other room unsupervised. I did it because the computer is also an important part of my life, and I don't want her to be one of those spoiled only children. She was sitting at a tiny table in a yellow chair playing with her dolls and the doll house. I heard thing or two hit the ground, but I was largely unfazed. Finally, I heard a slow crash, and I checked to make sure she hadn't done a half-gainer into the wall. Apparently her way of playing with the doll house was knocking it off the table onto the ground. I made sure all the dolls were okay after hurricane Sadie had hit and then pulled her out of her chair to explain to her why doll houses belong on tables.

Eventually she took time for a nap, so I could work on all those things I've been putting off in my life like learning a foreign language, doing yoga, and making a crude map of where I've left treasure. After that, she woke up, and we had lunch. She has this tendency to start making angry noises if you don't feed her as soon as she's in her seat. The young and the old.

In the afternoon we played a game where I pulled all the couch cushions off while she ran around on it. I placed them underneath the couch to cushion her in case of a fall. Naturally she walked up to the one part with only half-assed blankets with a giant smile on her face, edging closer and closer to the precipice. I'm a dad, so I was pretty sure I could catch her if she fell. She fell. It happened quickly. Luckily she did a somersault on her way down, and I was able to catch her before she slammed into the floor. We both had a good laugh at our negligence, and then I banned her from the couch. She showed me she understood by shoving a wooden doll in my face.

We both got kind of bored for the rest of the afternoon. I read her every book on one bookshelf, and she kept smiling every time I read the last page of a book, like it had a good punch line, or a moral that made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Kids are cute. You should have one too. By the time I'd read twelve or so books we got bored again. I put her down for nap, because it's a good idea to just go to sleep if you're bored. Caesar or Einstein or someone said that. Or I did, just now, I'm not comparing myself to them, but I'm not denying it either.

In the evening I fed her dinner. She signaled to me that she was done eating corn by throwing it on the floor. When I started sweeping it up, she took it as queue to drop other kernels on the floor, like we were playing a game. I told her that I could set up a sort of Prometheus thing for her as well if she didn't knock it off, but I don't think I really meant it. I made her a piece of peanut butter toast instead.

And that's the sort of day we had. I tried to talk to her about Euclidean geometry on the way to pick up her mother, but she was busy reading a book called baby's first Christmas, (apparently I lose out to squishy boots and fuzzy hat). It's good to be loved.


  1. bacon?? peanut butter??
    im glad to see that lil s is on a healthy diet of
    fatty foods-trans fat and saturated!
    its good to be young and enjoy all the foods
    that we have created
    real butter, ice cream, cookies...sugar and fat!
    i assume her dolls include a variety of races
    and male dolls also...dont want to harm her psyche!
    nopw back to yoga and my italian disks..
