Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Apparently the sun had a major solar flare. If you're worried about it, you probably should be. Fact: If the sun winked out of existence only people in Antarctica, who are used to its lack, would survive. I once walked up a small mountain to watch the sun rise over the emerald ocean, as it was born from there, that beautiful child. The day was a failure for a variety of reasons that I'd rather not get into. One must keep a thing or two close.

Super Tuesday happened and we're all fairly certain Mitt Romney is going to win. We were all fairly certain Mitt was going to win before Tuesday, and we were all pretty sure he was going to win at the beginning of this whole electoral season. But we cannot say with certainty whether we like it.
Thoughts: Why are we thinking of selling off natural gas. I realize that our supply is outstripping demand, but it seems negligent to start selling it off before we're sure we can never use it. Why do gas prices alone influence consumer behavior? Even if you believe that global warming isn't going to cause any major problems, it's impossible to argue that fossil fuels are a limitless resource. Perhaps we should conserve ahead of time? Yes? Yes?

In the second grade I misspelled the word dictionary and lost the spelling bee. I tried to read a dictionary a year ago to make up for it, but the material was a bit dry. The losing word in third grade was column, which is a tough spell. In Rome I had S take a picture of me eating french fries from Mcdonald's in front of the Pantheon. I thought the juxtaposition would do the work on its own. Three of the columns had to be replaced in the 17th century, and you can tell the difference. I do not know which column I misspelled, but I'd prefer the older.

It seems that everyone agrees that Rush Limbaugh should not call women sluts. They prefer, women, daughter, mother, girl, girls' friend, Rachel, Jessica, Amanda, the girl in the library who curses too loudly. It's probably best to choose one of those. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I mean, technically, He could have hauled off and tossed one at that point. This is perhaps, taking the lesson too literally.

1 comment:

  1. my cell phone is distorted, my GPS is confused,
    the power at home is sporadic, and satellites
    are spinning out of control...but dont worry
    there should not be another solar event like this for at least 5 years!

    cant wait for global warming effects...
    beachfront property in nevada???
