Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday with Sadie..and Ian & me watching an episode of Girls to understand the plight of the modern woman

But first, nothing fills me with more murderous rage than someone driving fifteen miles an hour in a 25 and 30 zone, which happened today on the way to work. I want you to know that when I say murderous rage, I mean contentment. I want you to know that I intentionally changed the song to something by Joe Purdy that said, "I got troubles Lord, but not today," and I did deep yogic type breathing to calm myself. After all, the only thing that was happening was that I was driving fifteen in a thirty. Life goes on. And yet, despite my yogic breathing, which would have inspired a class all on its own, I still kept having to fight back the urge to jam around the double yellow line and pass this person. I had to resist the temptation on at least eight occasions and remind myself that I am not the type of person who speeds past slow cars. I am the type of person who shakes his head and marvels at the stupidity of people who pass on double lines. In the end, I think I made the right decision. Maybe. 

Now I'm going to intersperse some dialogue between me and my children today with my impression of season 1 episode 1 of the hit television show Girls. 

M: Be gentle. He's a sweet boy. 
s: He's not a sweet boy. 
M: You're lucky to have such a sweet brother. 
s: I'm not lucky. I'm Sadie Kay. 

Later in the day: 
s: I'm lucky. I'm lucky. 
M: So you're allowed to call yourself that. 
s: I have a book. 

M: When I look at both of you, a Coldplay song plays in my heart.

M: Joy Lynn knows Photoshop. 

M: Okay, but we're going to read with Julian Russell. He likes to read. 
s: He likes to grab. 
M: Okay, that's probably closer to the truth. 

s: (Plaintively) I want to read this one. 
M: Enough books. Reading books is boring. 
s: No! It's not boring!
M: We need to go outside and play. Don't you want to go outside and play. 
s: Read! 

Observation: That guy is in good shape, but he is not good for her.

Observation: Some of these plot twists are hard to follow through the blinding light of white privilege. 

 M: I hear you on the lake house lady. We'll get there. 

s: These vegetables make me big and strong. 
M: Yup. 
s: And this makes me big and strong (holds up milk) 
M: Yup. 
s: I don't like these green beans. Daddy will eat them. 

Later: I ate all the good for me and you, which is cute, because it's a story from her Little Critter Book about eating healthy foods. 

M: Stealing from the housekeeping? No wonder Time had that cover of you kids. You're better than that Tiny Furniture. You just don't know it yet. 

 Later, we’re having one of those conversations that are almost inestimably sweet, where she’s saying, “I can touch the handle?” With this little lift in her voice that is heart melting. She’s really dialed in, not just running around in her own head like most of the time, I blame the internet, even though she doesn’t use it, and I’m thinking how sweet it is. And then she tells me that she needs to changer her diaper, and I realized that she was hanging out in the corner being sweet because she was pooping. Good times.

I’d tell you about Ian, but he spent the morning grabbing his toes and smiling. I’d like to pretend that second children aren’t forgotten, but I’d be lying. He needs to start being much more of a troublemaker if he wants to be written about. Right now he’s just a sweet boy. 

1 comment:

  1. if you had the kids in the car, you would be going 15 mph also!!
    he not only grabs but he probably would gum and chew the pages also!

    why do kids always go to a corner or quiet spot to do their business?

    is he grabbing and chewing his toes..
    discovery is such a wonderful thing!
