Thursday, October 14, 2010

Let's play Trivial pursuit

On the first night in South Lake Tahoe we did what any self-respecting group of relatively (relatively) young men out in the world would do: we bet twenty bucks each on a game of Trivial Pursuit. It's a shame that they put the word right in the title as if pointing out to you already that things should probably be going better for you. However, I was setting sail with my dear friend Captain Morgan and was unconcerned about how incredibly dorky it is to bet on Trivial Pursuit.

Query: Who said this?

Living in dreams of yesterday, we find ourselves still dreaming of impossible future conquests.

a) Charles Lindbergh
b) Christopher Columbus
c) (The exact quote escapes me but was something along the lines of, "If I fall asleep I die, if I succeed I'll be a demi-god." Note: note a very accurate paraphrase here. How I let myself get talked out of Lindbergh with that quote is beyond me. Columbus had to sleep, it took him amount of months to cross the Atlantic.


Query: During WW 2 the French wore what color pants to give them added flair?

a) red
b) scarlett
c) Those are the same two colors, how could your "friends" have not credited you for coming up with red.


Which beverage makes a game of Trivial Pursuit more fun

a) rum and coke
b) whiskey and sprite


What makes a game of Trivial Pursuit more entertaining

a) A one minute time limit so you don't have people taking fifteen minutes to answer the damn question and then coming up with something like South Africa when the answer is clearly Nigeria.

b) Betting. Betting makes everything more interesting/sinful.

c) Playing the game with people you love.

d) A and B as c is obviously a bunch of crap.

Query: If a child (over the age of two and a half) is crying on a plane and kicking your seat do you

a) Politely point it out to the mother

b) Move seats while pointedly glancing at the mother

c) Ignore it and flag the stewardess down for some rum/whiskey

d) Pretend to go to the bathroom while awkwardly taking your book with you and change seats at that point in time.

Query: Is having true empathy caring about everyone in the world or just those you love or that are close enough to care about? Wouldn't a truly empathetic person in the first sense, be racked by sorrow on a daily basis?

Query: If you lose twenty bucks at a game of Trivial Pursuit do you?

a) Call your wife and tell her you lost twenty bucks playing Trivial Pursuit.

b) Text your wife telling her you lost twenty bucks at Trivial Pursuit

c) Call your wife, mention nothing about the game, and just add an extra twenty bucks into what you're telling her is the total cost of the weekend trip.

d) Who cares what you tell her, you know you're going to win that money back anyway.


Query: The people in Pakistan are (apparently, checking NPR sources) so upset at the U.S. that aid workers are afraid to accept goods emblazoned with the United States flag for fear of reprisal. Is this

a) A ridiculous reaction and just one more way in which the United States is so often thrust in to a no win situation. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

b) The sort of response that you should expect when you routinely drop bombs from drones that occasionally take out innocent people.

c) Further justification for said bomb attacks because you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

d) A little more complicated than a small quiz allows for.

Query: If you board a plane and are sitting in between the two youngest children on the plane. Should you

a) Immediately request a seat change

b) Wait and see if the kids are well-behaved

c) Pull out a large book and try to pretend to read while listening to the mother behind you be an awful parent.

Question: Who did Abu Bakr succeed as Caliph?

A) Mohammed

b) I can't believe my idiot friends came up with that I thought they were going to go with Aladdin or something.

Question: What woman's visage was carved on a wall in 6,000 B.C.

a) A long discussion ensues about when humanity officially became humanity or Eve.

b) At some point I come up with Nefertiti and feel like a genius

c) Betty Rubble. To which, I have to say bs anyway because even if I had thought of the stupid Flinstones I would have said Wilma rather than Betty.


  1. I thought it was Pebbles Flintstone. D*mn pink category.

  2. I think it was Pebbles. You're right. I still would always go with Wilma. She really kept that family together.

  3. Re Empathy Question:
    If for one whole day, you were to look at the faces of everyone you meet for long enough to tell their eye color (you don't have to remember it later), who would these people be?
    a. fellow commuters
    b. some very intimidated folks
    c. your world

  4. 1. the french pants were brown from crapping on themselves while running from the germans
    2. jim beam with coke!
    3. the more you drink the longer the time period to answer
    4. offer the crying child some run and coke?
    5. definitely D-you will the money back this decade or century..
    6. arent all u.s. goods emblazoned with the chinese flag since everything is made there??
    7. how about cleopatra
    is pebbles related to road boulder?
