Friday, July 13, 2012

It's a ?

If you're like me, you're wondering exactly what I'm talking about. I mean, did we adopt a pet hamster or something? I hope someone warns us that they like to crawl beneath stoves and die. Either that, or my mom flushed him down the toilet or fed him to our pet owl, Aristotle, and then lied about it. Anyhow, as it turns out we're actually having another child. Don't worry. It's the first I've heard of it as well. If anybody is a second child, and they wonder if they were treated as special as their older sibling, I'm hear to tell you that you weren't. You were old news. It'd be like getting a paper telling you that Obama won the 08 election sometime in 2010.

Nah, I'm kidding, each moment is just as special the second time around. That's why there are always those movies about second loves, and the emphasis placed on the second kiss. It's just one of those things that we really focus on. Forget the first man on the moon, who gives a damn? Who was the second? I mean, look at the history of the United States. We don't care that Columbus didn't actually discover it. We care that he did it second, and that's why we revere him, not because we're a Eurocentric people who kicked off the ostensibly indigenous people groups. Or, like at the Olympics, which are coming soon. Nobody cares who won gold. Everyone is always like, yeah but who won the silver? 

The point is, everything is special. Do I plan on dressing the child in Sadie's clothes regardless of gender? Of course I do, but that's only so I can remind myself how cute Sadie was at that age. I'll probably discontinue the practice by the time he/she reaches high school, or at least at the point that Sadie stops being adorable, which might be never. The other day she told me she had to go potty and then went upstairs and peed on the floor. It's like rooming with a frat guy, the way she pees on the floor and goes on spouting semi-incoherent egocentric statements all day. The main difference is that she's three feet tall and adorable. But somehow I've gotten off track and am talking about Sadie. Don't worry second child, rest assured that I was really blogging about yo...sorry, I had to sneak upstairs for a minute and look at how cutely your big sister was sleeping. 


  1. so true, so true, so true
    junior or the 2nd or II????

  2. wonderful news, and hilarious post. i've got to find a way to visit you all in D.C.

  3. Isaac, we'd be happy to have you. We have a guest bedroom for at least five more months.
