Thursday, February 24, 2011

A playlist for Sadie

Taking the bottle after a brief struggle.

Smiling at daddy as he sings to her.

Sitting sweetly in daddy's lap while he rests his head on her soft fuzzy head.

"The first time that I met you I knew I would know you even better."

Finally beginning to nod off.


  1. i need to update my ipod play list..
    never heard of modest mouse or taken by trees
    so does s (for subject) really like your choice
    of tunes..does she react differently to
    the various groups??
    remember studies show that ear bud music too high and cell phones damage the brain...!
    where is the kid music...disney,sesame street,
    clifford the dog, sponge bob..

  2. No Rafi in my house! I keep it reasonably quiet for the kid. She likes to sleep to the mellow stuff, and she likes it when M and D dance to the fast stuff.
