Monday, February 21, 2011

Question Five/Post 400

Question Five: Why should I tolerate?

Theory 1: You shouldn't. I don't tolerate it when somebody cuts me off in traffic, and I tolerate it when someone cheats at cards. Well, I tolerate me cheating at cards. And I suppose honking could loosely be interpreted as a form of not tolerating, however, getting out of the car and hitting them with my shoe would probably be even lower on the toleration spectrum.

To allow (something that one dislikes or disagrees with) to exist or occur without interference

toleration - a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations; "all people should practice toleration and live together in peace"

toleration - official recognition of the right of individuals to hold dissenting opinions (especially in religion)

I'm certain that a number of different definitions of toleration exist, but we'll just have to leave it at that. It's probably safe to assume that the question is referring to tolerate in the sense that it is defined in the third definition. Ie, respecting someone who holds a dissenting opinion.

Awkwardness ensues.

Religious toleration, a bedrock, depending on who you talk to, of our society is a good idea. However, it's perfectly reasonable to ask a question like, why should I tolerate? in the case of religion. The majority of religions believe in some type of afterlife whilst simultaneously believing that they are the one true way. Thus, if I tolerate your religious difference or apathy what I'm actually tolerating is your soul's eternal damnation. Religiously, barring some sort of Calvinist elect, I don't see much hope for toleration at least from a rigorous intellectual perspective. However, I actually think that our little spinning ball of blue is headed that way very slowly.

To what degree am I required to tolerate someone with an opposing viewpoint? If I believe that the interests of the many are best served by a large government that provides jobs, and you believe that the interests of the many are served by a small government it becomes very hard to tolerate each other's opinion. The hawkish right wing radio guys pretty much set the bar on this one. Ie, they don't tolerate the difference of opinion from "liberals." Rather, they insist that a difference of opinion is not a slight thing but rather the sort of thing that will lead to the downfall of our great nation, which was, of course, built on ideas of toleration and such.

I think we've come to a decision as a society that there are some things that we will not tolerate. It is not okay to steal your neighbor's car or your neighbor's wife. It is not okay to kill someone. These are things that will not be tolerated. We will put you in prison. However, I would argue that we tolerate speeding. Most motorists disagree with the limit portion of the speed limit sign and go on at their own pace.

The short answer for toleration applies to the golden rule. If I am unable to tolerate any difference of opinion in my life I'm probably going to live a very empty life. Ie, when carried to its extreme, it would life to an autocratic ruling of the masses, which would probably short circuit some of the pleasures of a good disagreement, or even a nuanced agreement. For example, I enjoy talking about a good book with friends, and I might even be willing to tolerate their difference of opinion about chapter two, if only to discover some new part of the book that I have completely missed. Without the initial toleration, it's easy to become intellectually stagnant.

Historical evidence.

Lack of toleration has lead to some of the greatest massacres and missteps in history. You should tolerate because we have ample historical evidence that lack of tolerance is a great way to shi the bed.

Alternative answer.

The idea of toleration is a twenty first century concept developed by weak-willed westerners who aren't willing to stamp their name to anything. We have a nasty tendency of only tolerating things that are in our self-interest as has been witnessed most palpably in the middle east. The same self-interest that has always been part and parcel with being human is still in play, but now we're dressing it up in different clothes. It is important that we keep in the forefront of our mind a lack of tolerance. An unwillingness to accept the status quo. A sharp and agile mind that will constantly question those who hold different viewpoints while simultaneously remaining open to change ourselves. It's a tough trick to pull and perhaps the only way is through a lack of tolerance.

Alternative Answer.

Buddhism. Unitarians.

Alternative Answer.

Only on good days.

1 comment:

  1. tolerance..
    in ireland the catholics and protestants have been hating for a thousand years
    the crusades proved that tolerance is just a myth
    the shiites and sunni are currently proving that
    politics and religion dont mix
    the rush limbaughs continue to lead naive
    people down the "righteous" path,which only
    they understand
    do we continue to tolerate "reality television
    when the intelligent do nothing then we
    get what we deserve!
