Thursday, February 10, 2011


s continues on her bottle strike or, mom's weak will not forcing the baby to starve until she breaks down and finally takes the damn bottle. I remember, at least a month ago, when s used to be the type of lil girl who would chug down a bottle in six minutes flat and then give herself indigestion for an hour. I miss that little girl. That same little girl who would curl up on her father's chest and sleep away the evening instead of constantly trying to lift her head up to look at pretty lights or a fan like she does now, and, in the process, winds up getting really irritated about not being able to see anything besides her father's chin. Lousy baby.

Now for some gratuitous baby videos! This first video pretty much sums up about 9/10 times that we actually use the video camera. As it turns out babies aren't like trained bears who ride around the circus on tricycles. I mean, you show those bears how to do it once, and they won't let you down. However, with a baby, you're pretty much going to be let down at least 95 percent of the time. Whatever the child has just done that is incredibly cute will never be repeated when you put the camera on them. Why? Because people's behavior always changes when they know they are being observed. And nothing says, "do something amazingly cute" like a camera. Actually our camera can't talk, but it's fair to say that it probably should, and I'm patenting that idea right now. Imagine a camera that says "cheese" and "smile" and "Dad, it's only one damn picture can you at least put on a sweater." Gold.

So, yeah. That's my little s. She's humorless. I see a long career ahead of her in HR. If anyone reading this blog is in HR, I don't mean you. You are probably the exception that proves the rule. I just imagine it might be tough to be funny in a job where you always have to be worried about saying the wrong thing. Because, as we all learned from watching that amazing video of the count, saying crazy stuff is funny.

But wait, I hear you beginning to ask yourself why it's been so many words since you saw a video of a cute baby. Here is a video of s's one month birthday. That's right, one month birthday. It's the sort of obnoxious things that new parents do because they can't understand why everyone isn't as amazed by the milestones as they are.

Parent: She found her toes today.
Singe Friend:...............Good?


  1. One day Sadie will love these videos. Keep filming them.

  2. that was a classic..."give me a smile"- so she cries
    quite the independent woman that little s
    now as to a one month birthday party-
    i guess parents do that??but then is there a 2 month and 3 month,and so on??
    what if you have more kids-there will be endless parties, with thousands of candles and way to much cake!
    better as bottle of milk than beer..
