Monday, February 7, 2011


This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Apparently eight million people have beaten me to this video, but I was still cracking up, and so I'm just going to go ahead and post it. Note: I never watched Sesame Street as a kid because I was the youngest of three. Thus, I considered Ses. to be the sort of show that babies watched. I was all about He-man and G.I. Joe, and Transformers, and Voltron. Ergo; I have no strong affinity for the show that is scarred by making a few jokes at its expense.

Listen, I read a post below this video that was criticizing this video for demeaning an education show. However, that person was tragically born without a sense of humor.

In other family related to news I got a chance to take (pause to laugh at how funny the count) care of Sadie this weekend for the first time in a long time. And I concluded that we probably need to get a nanny or something because taking care of kids is hard work. S was nattering on about how she wanted to attend some sort of breastfeeding binge at a museum this week because a lady was told she couldn't in the museum. And this is the part of the conversation where I just start saying, (about the security guard who told the woman she couldn't breastfeed) "Oh no he didn't girl!" And I'd like that same phrase appended or something like it to any reaction to me claiming taking care of babies is hard. Yes, I realize that most people know that, but I didn't see any of you in my hotel room when s was crying for hours because she's a baby. Rant over.

I'm waiting for s to take her next jump in development. Lately she's been trying to sit up, and she's starting to try and attempt to laugh. She will smile at you pretty often now, but it appears to be entirely out of context as she will still often finish a smile by breaking into tears. I'm trying to work with her on dancing and laughing and that sort of thing because I'm scared she's going to turn out all serious and stuff, which would be, I think we can all agree, a tragedy.

s also enjoyed the Super Bowl with me last night until my team lost in the last couple of minutes and then she seemed a little confused about why daddy was shouting at the top of his lungs and waking her up from sleep. I think I was just building character. Besides which, if the little girl heard any untoward language she probably already heard it from the count first.


  1. I hadn't realized that you had such a deprived childhood. I thought you liked superheroes.

  2. oh no you didn't..
    you made her watch the super bowl and listen
    to your rants and raves??
    most kids smile just before they fart or burp!
    can you afford a nanny??????
    perhaps the old lady whose car you dug out??
    by age 1, im sure you will be able to care
    for herself and entertain herself.

  3. The speedy change from smiles to tears will occur again from about age 12-15.....!
