Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, Friday

Observation: Q comes too early in the alphabet. It rightfully belongs closer to its other lesser used brethren like X and Z.

Observed: Several nice tree boxes on the way to work.

Thought: If one spends the walk observing tree boxes, perhaps it's time to bust out the black socks and sandals while mowing the lawn.

Observation: People seem pretty excited about the rapture. Why? I think we should all be quaking in our boots over the Mayan calendar ending, but this one strikes me as a bit of a shot in the dark. Also, does the rapture happen on EST or Pacific time, or does it occur first in New Zealand and then work its way over. I can't say I've ever really been able to figure this one out.

Thought: If you had five months in which to muck about post rapture, what would you do? And, on a larger scale thought initiative, what would humanity in general do and what does your answer to both imply about your belief or lack thereof in your fellow man/woman.

Joke: What would you do if you knew the earth was coming to an end in one hour?

G: I'd eff anything that moved.

What would you be doing?

G2: I'd be standing completely still.

Observation: Listening to the disembodied moaning emanating from the monitor would be troubling in any other context. Why do we assume that it's s moving about in her sleep and not a ghost, pretending to be s, who has always been present but is only now being picked up by our monitor?

Possible answer: Sanity/a preponderance of historical evidence that shades do not exist.

Query: Is it more important to be liked or respected?

Theory: Most of what ails modern man is the same thing that has ailed man since his inception. Man.

Thought projection: Years ago I remember watching a Discovery Channel show that posited what the earth may look like over the next few thousand years. At some point during the show humans go kaput, and squids wind up crawling onshore and mimicking primates, one can only assume that the squids hurling pine cones was actually a tongue in cheek joke as we know that squids, like chimps, would hurl feces instead. What would their king-sized beds look like, and would they run into overpopulation problems more quickly because of increased size? Or, would you bet money on the giant squids or the little squids to run things?

I fear we've wandered too far afield.

T.S. Eliot on the rapture from The Hollow Men:

For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

Dylan Thomas on old age or what we're calling the Rapture:

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Epicurus on the Rapture, uh, sort of:

It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls.

Here is a picture of tomorrow


  1. On comment 4 (Observation 3): Didn't you read Ray Bradbury? As the sun rises over the horizon, that part of the world touched by it ends. It takes 24 hours. So if there's anyone east of you that you want to call, do it now.

  2. not only black socks and sandals but also
    short shorts-to scare the neighborhood
    i called the rapture hotline- was told it will end at 9 p.m. east coast time
    obviously respected....
    what happened to his left foot???????
