Thursday, January 26, 2012

Some things I enjoy, a reminder and request

1) Travel-I like to walk around in a museum with a guide book and appreciate the use of light in a Vermeer. I like to approach a statue from afar, marveling at the exquisite beauty that had lain trapped in stone. I enjoy waking up early with a long itinerary and stare out the window at old courtyards and apple trees dusted in light. I like to walk in the rain without an umbrella. I find that when I just give in to the beads of water on skin, the cooling rain on my scalp, that I don't mind so much. I like to wander up streets that snake like rivers, and buy ice cream or gelato from street vendors at midday. And I like to sit in the plaza and eat as people stream by. In the evening I like to journal about what I've done during the day. It is the beginning of savoring the memory, like the first sip of good wine or taste of fine chocolate. And when sleep takes me, slipping quietly in the window, I like to know that my day has been seized. This list was supposed to be longer, but the day has overtaken me again. I'll take comments on things that people enjoy. Note: not things you do, but things you actually enjoy. Lord knows I do about a number of things that I don't enjoy, and I also have a bunch of things that I want to enjoy. I'm more interested in those things people actually enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. sights, sounds, smells....
    morning fog...first snowfall..taste and aroma of a fine wine...a smile from lil s ....
    flight of a hawk or kite...
