Admission. Apparently the reason I couldn't find a lean on a house is because it's actually a lien. Kensington Blue comes from the color of the palace in London etc. The great thing about blogging is the constant reminder of how often I'm wrong about things. My readers, (hi mom and dad) demand excellence, and I strive daily to fall fairly short of that mark and am almost always successful.
Quiz: Does that make me a success?
Quiz 2: Without looking above is it successful or sucessful?
I've decided to take a yoga class after having a heart to heart with the fitness instructor who assured me that I would not be the only male in the class and that it was mostly made up of faculty and staff. Apparently she must have mistaken me for a staff member instead of the senior in college that I am. I feel a bit strange taking yoga but talking with some of my friends helped assuage my doubts. (I think the word fear is often used in conjunction with assuage. I apologize for using doubts).
M: I'm taking a yoga class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
MK: You are so in touch with your feminine side.
M: (I'm not sure this is helping).
Highlights of the day unrelated to housing. It was a balmy fifty degrees in DC today with overcast skies. Thus, the library had the AC cranked to the arctic wind setting and the vents blasting directly above my desk. Believing myself to be in danger of suffering hypothermia I used scotch tape to affix pieces of ripped cardboard over the vents to shut off the air flow, which would be appropriate for Chilly Willy but not ideal for non-penguins. Yet another cartoon that I loved. Did that little guy even talk? Why did I have such fond feelings towards him? Did he just sneeze?
S: Look what I found?
M: A house from Monopoly.
S: (Moves towards packed boxes).
M: Are you really going to unpack that entire box just to put away one monopoly house?
S: (Begins unpacking box).
M: Just put it in a plastic bag.
S: We'll never be able to find it.
M: Listen to me. Do not unpack that box. I'm the voice of Christmas rationality.
I think it's time that I used this space to promote the Brightwood neighborhood of DC since 9 in ten people don't even know that it exists. One of the first features of our fine neighborhood that I noticed is a child care center called Quicky Becky's located on Georgia Avenue. We'll talk about beautiful Georgia Avenue some other time.
As far as I can tell Quicky Becky's child care will be an ideal place to send the little ones that we'll be populating the earth with in an attempt to overtax resources in the near feature. Besides the awesome location, right on a busy street, Quicky Becky's has an awesome name. I'm not sure what it makes me think of more:
A) That your kids are getting an oil and lube job while they are at the daycare center. Sort of a jiffy lube of child care.
B) Becky is doing everything quickly and in a slapdash sort of way that is going to put your kids at risk.
C) It's your one stop bordello and child care center. Because somebody has to watch the kids while you're occupied.
D) Some combination of all of the above.
Pictures to come.
Aside: Remember days ago when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and some people were happy and other were up in arms? Me neither. But, on the off chance that anyone does, I'd like to propose that holding both views simultaneously is probably the sanest way to view the award. I think that people who believe that he didn't actually do enough to earn the award are completely correct. I also think that people who view the award as a hopeful sign that our current president can reverse the trend of the last eight years of military build-up and wide-scale aggression are also right. I read a Salon article that sort of proposed this idea, but I had it first. I was just too busy watching my DVR to blog about it. What is so wrong about holding both of these views simultaneously? Aren't they both true? Does one truth necessarily have to outweigh another?
Sometimes I see walls that are painted green in Pottery barn catalogs, and I think that we can make it work. And then I saw green walls on the interior walls of a hospital in Mad Men, and I think that we're about to make a huge mistake. And in the grand scheme of things, when you are looking back over the wreckage of your life, I think that will be one of the moments that you go back to. Dammit! If we'd have painted that wall a different color everything would have been different. Amen old crazy Andrew. Amen.
I was going to put a picture of Brightwood in this place but Google doesn't know where it is either.
Disclosure: I'm sure that Miss Becky runs a fine establishment. I'm merely questioning the name choice.
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