Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Shortly after buying our new home walking in and deciding that it looked nice, we decided to change a bunch of stuff. I think we decided to do things like paint all the upstairs rooms and rip out the carpet because we wanted to make sure that if the housing search hadn't driven us completely insane perhaps ripping apart said house could.

Naming. I've had to change the name of my blog as we've actually gotten a house in D.C. now. Though I think S would have preferred the name to have been the Silver Spring housing blog. Zing! Thank god she never reads this. I guess that's something she has in common with the rest of the known world. Zing! Zing!

Excerpt from our house at least once a week:

M: (Insert punny/funny joke here. Let your mind go free. Think of the funniest off the cuff thing that someone has said to you in the last month then make it at least five times less funny).

S: Do you think our furniture will match that color of paint?

M: Did you hear what I just said? (Note: Remember to insert hilarious joke here).

S: (looking at me vaguely).

M: It's like pearls before swine in this house. I give you gold and you give me dross.

S: But like a really high quality dross right?

M: I'm so depressed.

Anyhow, I've got to change the name to something suitable. I'm starting with the D.C. house blog, but I've considered others including:

The D.C. raking blog.
Description: A blog strictly dedicated to first time home owners who are gaining experience working in the yard. This blog will feature reviews of rakes from all of your major appliance stores as well as trash pick up dates for yard waste removal in the Brightwood neighborhood of D.C. This blog will also feature new ways to rake your leaves every day including the subtle sweep (this involves sweeping the leaves off your porch and onto the top of your shrubs thereby avoiding the need for removal. Note: Best performed when sig. other is not watching and judging. Note Note: I came up with that way before Vince Vaughn. Steve will vouch for that. Vouch Steve.

Unfortunately the D.C. raking blog might have a limited appeal and the if you say the name too fast or mess up one of the letters you could offend some people/remind me of S's classic meltdown when I suggested we buy in D.C.

The D.C. painting blog
Description: this blog is dedicated to people who are painting a room for the first time and who are put off by discovering that periwinkle and endless rain are both colors and not words made up by the fashion industry to make us less intelligent. Note: Yes they are. This blog will feature us painting rooms until one in the morning, having conversations about things like primer and whether a second coat of paint will be necessary. This blog will also feature discussions about the validity of the bright colors make spaces seem bigger debate and whether our bedroom should have been a slightly darker shade of blue even though it makes the windows pop. Oddly specific that.

The D.C. housing blog

This blog will focus on me continuing to look for a house every weekend even though I have one. I'll try out various real-estate agents and torture them with questions about cabinet space and closets only to tell them after three months of looking every Saturday that I already have a home. It will be like that show punk'd on MTV except way better because it will be about real people who will probably take me to court for libel afterward. Which of course leads to the D.C. I'm getting sued blog and so on.

Random thought about moving out. At some point this morning, perhaps when I was pouring water over my bowl of Kashi Go Lean cereal, I realized that we are neglecting some priorities like buying food as we're moving between houses, and that I'd like to be out of our old apartment soon and into our new home.

Recommendation: The water on Kashi is at least a four star breakfast.

And now a song from this guy who grew up about a mile or so from the new house we're buying.


  1. That Eric Hutchinson! I went to college with him :) Good dude, great singer.

  2. Listen, I'm going to need you, Andrew, to invite me over specifically for this purpose. It's going to have to be soon, while leaves are still falling. Are you ready? I'm going to sit on your back porch with a thermos of hot cider while you rake leaves, and as soon as a new leaf falls and hits the ground I'm going to tell you that you missed a spot. I'm pretty sure this could go on for hours. I'm so excited! How's next weekend?

  3. P.S. I read this blog.
