Lean-to place your body against a structure in a restful manner. NASD.
to incline or bend from a vertical position.
cause to lean or incline; "He leaned his rifle against the wall"
thin: lacking excess flesh; "you can't be too rich or too thin"; "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"-Shakespeare
lean to-rough shelter whose roof has only one slope.
You can actually scroll through the various definitions that the eminent online Merriman Webster's dictionary provides and never come across the lean we are facing. Ie a home equity loan that has been taken out and not paid off in full. Thus, the person who we are buying the house from doesn't actually own the house. Yay!
We're now not sure if our closing date is going to change or if we'll be able to get contractors in in time.
On the bright side...oh wait, their isn't one. As I understand a gang of street toughs are planning on breaking this lady's kneecaps unless she pays in full.
I take back my earlier comment. The worst case scenario is that we have to leave our current apartment where we've put in notice, move into a shed/underneath a bridge somewhere and continue our housing search. I can tell you that after three months of looking for houses the only thing I want to do is look at more houses.
Borrowing from Ron White: Once you've seen the inside of once house...you pretty much want to see inside all of them.
The most likely scenario is that S and I start a musical theater group and talk the street toughs out of busting up the previous owners kneecaps and instead express themselves through dance. I pretty much use this scenario for any problem that arrives in my life.
Officer: Sir. I pulled you over because you were driving on the wrong side of the street with just your toes.
M: Have you ever done tap?
Officer: And you weren't wearing your seatbelt. And is that a chimpanzee in the passenger seat with you?
M: I bet you've got a voice like an angel. One of the ones that didn't go to hell.
Officer: Step out of the car sir.
M: To practice salsa?
Related story. We're trying to get some contractors in to take a look at our house to make some estimates as well. You know who never answers their phone? Contractors. Contractors screen calls like no one's business. You know how when you're with someone, and they say, "Oh it's just x or y and then avoid the call." And you're so happy because they screened out the call just to keep talking with you but then you start wondering about all those times that you've called them and gone to voice mail, if you were x or y and you get sort of disappointed and wind up drunk on the dock making a pass at a harbor seal? And not even one of the cute ones. We've all been there.
The point is, perhaps debatable, that if you're a friend with a contractor your call is definitely getting screened. The real crux of the matter is that we're building a lean to in preparation for the long winter and gathering all the yams and squash that we can, just like the first pilgrims. Though we won't be dispensing disease and mass death like our forefathers. We will be handing out Bible tracts.
The fact that you mentioned Ron White in this post totally redeems the (intentional?) irony in your description of the term "lien."
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late comment, just catching up on the greatness.