Thursday, February 11, 2010

Year 3

Let's discuss the elephant in the room first. Apparently when I was three years old I looked like a shy little girl. I mean, if you didn't know that was a dude you might think it was a great pic. of some quiet little girl. However, we've got some solid positives as well.

Positives: Look closer. What's that on my stylish birthday hat? Oh yeah, it's Superman. I was early onto that bandwagon, and I love the guy standing next to him as well whoever the "h" he was. I'd probably say "h" at age 3 as opposed to hell.

Negative- I look like a sweet little girl.

Postive-My hairstyle. I pioneered the look that Jim made famous on the office like twenty four years after I made it all the rage. If someone out there is a lawyer, can we sue? And if not, go to "h."

Negative-Am I drinking soda in this picture? What kind of parenting is that? Everyone knew in the early eighties that soda was really bad for you and had high fructose corn syrup in droves. This may not be true. My memories of the early part of the eighties are a little non-existent.

Positive-I was at a party. Someone invited me to a party. And maybe it was actually party, but I still invited myself, which counts for something.

Positive-I doubt I spent any time clambering up onto my roof and shoveling snow and trying to figure out where the leak was coming from. Though, I did climb that twenty foot ladder with all the confidence of a three year old being left at school for the first time.

Positive-My shoulder didn't hurt. My elbow didn't hurt. My knees didn't hurt. I wasn't and old man in horrible shape shoveling snow for hours. Just kidding. I'm still in my twenties.

Negative-What's with the hands in the cup kid? I asked for water not your fingers.

Other positive things about being three: you're not as cute as you were when you were two, but your language skills start to pick up. People don't expect much of you though, perhaps a little alphabet mixed in with some counting from one to ten. All in all, pretty easy stuff. I could crack that kind of stuff out in no time.

Long day. And now I have to figure out how to get to work on an irregular bus and metro schedule because our street hasn't been plowed yet. That is reason enough to curse thirty and yearn for three.

1 comment:

  1. perhaps you did not notice but you are wearing overalls again!!same look as age 2??
    now about the hat-does it say fries or friend or
    frick or...
    you are not using the straw so perhaps you are drawing up the fluids into your body thru your
    fingers..outer limits or twilight zone??
    why didn't you leave the ladder climbing and snow removal for stephanie upon her return?
    you are supposed to be getting older and WISER!!
    you forgot the 80's due to your intake of high fructose corn syrup(also found in keyboards
    and i-pods) conspiracy theory!!
    hope you enjoy a one day work week..
