Friday, June 10, 2011

Bad Judgment

This picture seems apropos. Especially after you've walked in to look at your sleeping baby only to wake the sleeping baby up. At which point the sleeping baby goes from being an extremely cute sleeping baby and turns into a rageaholic who throws her pacifier out of the crib and generally behaves in a manner that doesn't suit a young lady.

At some point during the night I became extremely tired, and I convinced myself that I could just lie down and take a brief nap. That this was the time that I was going to be able to do a power nap and wake up and be extremely productive. Two hours later.

So now I'm pretty much up for the rest of the night. I'll probably get to bed around 4 A.M. or so before setting the old alarm for seven. It's going to be a great day.

I plant an azalea type plant in the front yard every year and then don't mulch it, and give it only bits of water and then complain when it dies.

I spend at least an hour thinking about how hard it is to think about even writing a paper.

I go to the doctor. "Doc," I say, "my knee hurts." And he says, "Are you sure it's your knee? I you sure it's not your heart?" This is what comes of getting an HMO.

In the late eighteenth century everyone took up ballooning. Apparently in the early days a watcher was caught up by the balloon's cables and taken 100 feet in the air before being plunged knee deep into a flower garden where his basic human anatomy sort of popped out. The point is that almost everyone who flew in a hot air balloon almost died. Thus, my fear of flight is healthy and based less on current statistical evidence and more on a biologically enhanced level of fear resulting from my ancestors and their incidents with ballooning.

Urania was the Greek goddess of astrology, but it was probably bad judgment to go naming planets after her.

The domestication of animals as pets.

Marrying Henry VII after he'd gone through two.

Evening naps.


Etc. Etc. Etc.


  1. "So now I'm pretty much up for the rest of the night. I'll probably get to bed around 4 A.M. or so before setting the old alarm for seven."

    Just like me most nights these days except that you have to get up early due to job responsibilities!

  2. information from urania..
    tonight at sunset, saturn will be to right of moon and scipa(?) to the left-very picturesque

    the most important medical breakthrough came in 1676, when a dutch scientist named antonie van leeuwenhoek was peering through a microscope at a drop of his saliva when he discovered that the letters in his name could spell out "look,nun,at weenie heaven"-too bad he
    did not speak english"
    actually he discovered bacteria!
