Monday, June 13, 2011


I complained a little while ago about the difficulty of feeding little s. Specifically that it was pretty much one of the most disgusting things I'd ever had to do. Well, thank you lil s for providing some photo evidence.

You can say how cute that is if you aren't the one taking pictures. That's right, I didn't even have to feed her these beets, and I'm still complaining. Why couldn't kids be born with a little more dexterity in the motor skills department. The best is when she jams some of the food into her face, leaves a bit below her nose, and then proceeds to sniff sweet potatoes into her nasal cavity. Oh, good times. Is it too much to ask that children just be fed smoothies for the first eight to ten years of life? No wonder old timey rich people didn't take care of their kids or at the very least, sent them off for meals.

In other baby related news she's started to scoot. It's not crawling, rather, she puts her left elbow down on the ground and uses the momentum of her back legs to push herself forward. I discovered her moving across the carpet to locate the machine we have that plays the ABC song and other classic tunes. I was pretty excited, and I'm also pretty certain that I'll get tired of the ABC song long before s will. That said, after it played through the first time I'm fairly certain she scooted herself forward even more, almost hitting her head in the process, in an attempt to mash the machine enough to get the song to stop. A valiant effort, but to no avail, as she spun the same wheel again, and we started into ABC land. I'm pretty sure we had a shared moment of annoyance though it's hard to tell because she mainly communicates through gibberish.


  1. The picture and the nasal cavity comment made me laugh out loud for several minutes. Also, my mother tells me I never actually crawled, I went from scooting to full speed running. Welcome to the club Sadie, I just hope you have 20 times more upper body strength than me when you grow up (as I wish only the best for you).

  2. beets,strawberries,raw beef..all i know is that it is red and squished!
    i assume you will blackmail little s with this picture in about 15 to 18 years??
    you are exactly right- the wealthy send the
    little uns off with a nanny or maid or butler and only see them after feeding and cleaning
    by the way, that is NOT baby gibberish-
    it is baby communication, as they make plans to
    gain revenge upon their parents
