Friday, July 10, 2009

Things that I find funny

I spent the morning sweeping up roaches and wishing that I was trying to put together an insect collection. Or that I was entomologist, if that's what entomologists do, look at insects that is. I wouldn't want to have that job if it was just sweeping up insects, unless they paid me like a hundred dollars an hour, then maybe I'd do it.

I also applied for a job today to work at Loyola College in Maryland. I'm fairly certain right now that they are trying to work out a proper signing bonus for me before they hire me on. That's the sort of thing that employers do when they get new resumes.

It's slightly chilly in D.C. tonight, which makes me kind of hate it. And I'm sure people are walking around thinking, "What a wonderful and lovely cool summer evening we're having." But they're probably from upstate New York or Boston, or somewhere else where it's always cold, and they think that it puts hair on your chest, and it's just another excuse to wear another layer. These people are crazy about layers. You'd think they'd make better cakes.......

I'm from California, so when it's slightly chilly outside I resent the whole Eastern seaboard. I immediately think of the long winter, when people from the Northeast are unhappy because it isn't snowing, and I'm watching my fingers turn blue. Winters here on the average last on average forever, which might seem like an exaggeration but not if you moved here from Santa Barbara. I used to bitch about the weather there as well, or at least complain that S would say every day, "It's so beautiful here!" while we watched the waves crash down and the sun drop into the sea in pinks and greens. Then I'd get annoyed and wonder why she couldn't just shut up about it being so nice. It's kind of like those sorts of good-looking people who go the extra mile to look even better. Can't they just enjoy the damn sunset without talking about how beautiful it is?

Oh, but on the bright side of things this video made me laugh.

Actually it made me giggle because when I'm laughing really hard I giggle. Which yes, is a little feminine, but I'm pretty certain it tightens the abs. And when is the last time you had a good giggle Mr. bigshot. It feels good to giggle. It's better than damn Pilates, giggling. Anyhow, I need to get back to studying insects in my kitchen with E.O. Wilson. I wish I had a cat sack to play with. I love the unbridled joy it brings me when it crinkles.

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