The camping trip was fantastic. We ate out at nice restaurants, slept in comfortable beds and avoided staying outside in tents where bear sharks would have had easy access to us. On Friday night S and I had a discussion about what color to paint various rooms.
S: (Using a tool that allows you to faux paint a room). This is the sage green.
M: I like it.
S: This is brookside moss.
M: Okay.
S: (Clicks again) This is more of a shimmering lime.
M: It's okay.
S: (Clicks again) Now this is like the underside of a turtle shell.
M: I'm starting to have a hard time telling them apart.
S: We've only been doing this for two minutes, and you're already done with it?
M: I like the sage green.
S: Yes but do you like the sage or the shimmering lime more?
M: I might just watch some television.
S: (Clicks around for a while). They are hard to tell apart aren't they?
I can't tell you how excited I am to start perusing the color wheel in order to complete the painting of this house. I've decided that I'm a big fan of the color Kensington blue. Unfortunately, Kensington (which is based on nothing I'm assuming. Does anyone know if Kensington is actually a real color or just something created by Benjamin Moore to make me feel a little less masculine) blue is a darker shade, which apparently makes the room appear smaller. I think that's why they always paint dungeons black. Or maybe that's just a lighting problem. I guess track lighting doesn't usually adorn dungeons.
Aside: My master plan is to paint the entire house black and have everyone over for a smashing Halloween party. Granted we'll wake up in the morning wondering why we made such a horrible decision but think of all the fun we'll have scaring people the night before? Probably not enough to warrant painting the walls a uniform black.
M: This conversation is kind of boring right now, so I'm going to watch some television.
S: I'm going to start my own blog and put that comment on there. That won't make you sound so good.
M: You probably won't.
S: I know.
It's hard to look at the wall above the railing on a staircase and try and decide what color to paint it. Really figure out what color defines you as a person/is going to define you as a person for the next five to seven years. You don't want to pick something pansy like beige. Beige is for HGTV. (And yeah, I watched like five hours of HGTV on Friday for the first time and got scared about inviting a contractor into my home. What's it to you?) I'm thinking royal purple defines us. I'm also excited about using words like trim and chair rail effectively, and generally exuding the sort of confidence that a person who owns a home exudes. I'm also hoping to use the word exude frequently.
Bumper Sticker: If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk.
As a child, one of the most important questions for me (and I'm assuming for other kids though I don't have this corroborated) was the eternal, what's your favorite color? Looking back I just wish I'd been man enough to say Kensington blue and totally blow these other kids minds. I was always torn between green and blue but I wasn't comfortable with aquamarine until well into sixth grade. I'm now thinking that aquamarine is a kick ass color for our living room. Does anyone know where we can rent mermaids?
Bumper Sticker: I don't care who you are, what you're driving, who's on board, who you love, where you'd rather bed, or what you'd rather be doing. Just stop driving like a jackass.
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