It's probably best to just skip to the bottom of the page at this point and turn on the Jaws theme to increase the intensity of the reading experience.
Before I begin calling contractors and getting estimates and using other adult sounding words frequently, I need to decide whether it is more important to make sure that the electrical box in our house is in working order or if we should get a pass through in the kitchen.
Plus of the pass through is that we can discuss the latest issue of the New Yorker while S cooks dinner.
Minus, S is going to be interrupting me as I try and watch a really great episode of DWTS.
Plus, other people will come over and compliment us on our pass through, noting the fine craftsmanship and vision that we possess and asking us for recommendations on their future pass throughs.
Minus, other people will come over to our house and possibly compliment me on our pass through while I'm trying to watch a Michigan football game. And I'll have to stand up, and sort of angle my body towards the television while engaging in half-hearted conversation with them and feeling really conflicted about my love for football and my hatred of other people.
I hate people, and yet I enjoy gatherings.
Plus, Our kitchen will not be exactly like the hull of a pirate ship.
Minus, Our kitchen will not be exactly like the hull of a pirate ship and I won't be able to call S a wench as she prepares dinner. Extra minus for the talking parrot we won't be able to get as well.
Plus, it will make S happy.
Minus...I guess that's enough.
Plus, getting it fixed will prevent us from trying to reset the breaker and getting heartily electrocuted.
Minus, has anyone ever seen the movie Weird Science? That movie is awesome and Kelly Lebrock is attractive even though it's set in the 80's, so you know she's the real deal. I think that by electrocuting ourselves we could create some sort of Weird Science scenario whereby we both get really cool and get hot gf's. I'm not sure this is as much of a plus for S.
Plus, Frayed and rusting wires around electricity are a bit of a hazard.
Minus, I like to live on the wild side. I mean, I'm considering biking to work.
I think the pass through wins out by virtue of having a better plus minus performance. Ergo; if anyone knows any contractors/how much it's going to cost or just really enjoys hammering/rewiring electric please drop me a line.
I suppose my third idea would be to put an above ground swimming pool in the backyard and stock it with fish. Then proceed to wake up loudly at 5 A.M. every Friday and put on a bunch of fishing gear including a trip to buy live bait somewhere in Maryland before coming back to the pool in order to fish.
The minus of this idea is that after watching the movie Jaws I was afraid to even take a bath. Why? Not exactly sure that I was reasoning at a high level. I'm fairly certain Great Whites don't live in the sewers but one never can be too safe.
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