As any normal almost first-time home buyer we spent the morning looking at another house.
S: I wouldn't need to see this house except that it's my dream house.
M:Snorts in a way that conveys disdain/an implicit disgust at the need to sabotage the end of our long journey.
S: It's just that if we don't see this house I'll be afraid that I'll always regret that I didn't even give it a chance.
M: Snorts in a way that implies the line of logic being used is the sort that has made for many a great plot in a romantic comedy but falls a little short of sane in a housing search.
We drove out to the burbs early in the morning to check out the "dream house." Though the house turned out to be quite beautiful the surrounding neighborhood left a bit to be desired. What future parent can't picture their kids scrambling across several busy streets with forty mile an hour speed limits and impatient drivers to reach school? The dollar and liquor store density was also top notch but we decided that our future plan of opening a dollar liquor store would be hampered by a market already flooded with said stores.
The issue with this whole search is that we can either afford to live in a sketchy part of D.C. or the scary suburbs. For my money, unless you're in an extremely scary part of a city the scary suburbs are far worse.
We then drove around the back streets of Silver Spring re-living our housing adventures and remembering them fondly. And when I say fondly I mean with a sort of deep bone/soul weariness that one associates with extremely trying times in their lives. I think that's what fond means.
S: We looked at a house on Larch.
M: We did?
S: Oh yeah.
M: I don't remember that. Did we?
S: You were there?
M: Was I? Maybe physically, but I think my spirit had begun to die a little by that point.
S: Has this process really been that bad for you?
M: Worse.
After leaving the busy streets and Mega dollar stores of ghetto Silver Spring we drove into the neighborhood where we'll be living barring any mishaps on the home inspection.
First sight of our new neighborhood: A person, (gender unidentifiable) is attempting to push a large stroller up onto the curb and is struggling to get the wheels up. Why? Because the person has a large German Shepherd in the stroller. The German Shepherd was looking rather scaredly at the curb as the person tried to push it up onto the sidewalk.
M: Well. At least the people here feel safe enough to walk their dogs.
S: I'm sorry I missed seeing that.
M: It was amazing.
A conversation that my brother's wife had with the neighbors kids:
Child: We're going to church later.
BW: Oh really. What church do you go to?
Child: Oh, the God one.
Child 2: And Jesus too.
A simple theology.
And without further adieu we finally purchased a house on the day that I found out my sister had birthed a baby boy safely in Italy. A good day all the way around.
And now you'll never forget this day...perhaps birthday parties for houses need to be added to Hallmark's repertoire.