I never saw the movie Juile and Julia but the rest of America did. Anyhow, as I've taken up cooking I'm now going to post recipes every evening to inspire Juila Childs to cook. As far as I understand it that is essentially the plot of the movie. So this one's for Julia.
Potato Leek Soup.
Cut up some leeks.
Cut up an onion.
Put lots of butter in a pan.
Mash up some potatoes. Drop some more butter on the potatoes for good measure.
Combine the two elements in a bowl.
Eat soup.
Pour you sig. other an extra glass of wine and bring up philosophy of life.
Say something like, "I think we just need to constantly reevaluate everything we believe." Then, immediately reevaluate what you've said and revise it. Repeat steps until your sig. other is bludgeoned into non-sentience by your drivel, so you can watch some television.
And that's my recipe Julia Childs. I think she's really going to enjoy that one.
Excerpt of the sort of conversation that I assumed I'd never be having and had. And felt a strange sort of out of body experience as I was having it. Like, really? is this what you're talking about?: (Standing in line at a farmer's market)
M: I just can't decide if I want to get the whole wheat bread or the rustic Italian boule.
Seller: Ooohhh. I'd go with the rustic Italian. You can really soak up a lot of the soup in the holes.
M: Then that's the one I'll go with. (Make sure that you add a slight lift in my voice at the prospect of capturing potato leek goodness in the crusty bread).
I've got like a thousand other recipes, but I'm probably going to share them at a later date. I'll probably just post the rest of them on my Twitter account which you can follow via my blog.
9:00 A.M. Andrew is processing book loans.
10:00 A.M. Andrew is loving processing book loans.
11:00 A.M. Andrew is chillaxing in his chair as he processes book loans.
12:00 Andrew is eating his almonds for lunch.
12:05 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...............almonds.
1:00 Andrew is sending books out in packages.
1:14 Andrew loves packing tape.
1:30 Fed-ex!!
2:30 Andrew is processing article loans for CLS.
2:45 What's that stand for?
2:48 Fun. Just roll with me on the acronym.
3:30 Andrew is correcting all the problems that came up during the course of the day whle processing loans.
3:32 Andrew is loving PBJ sandwich for lunch!
3:34 He meant to post that on his lunch break.
4:00 Andrew is checking the clock at work and trying to make it spin faster!!
4:10 Andrew is using multiple exclamation points to help his fans know how he feels.
4:30 Andrew loves a good honey crisp apple.
4:30 Andrew is done with work and ready to make dinner and hit the rewind button.
And so on....I'm anticipating that my followers will be as numerous as ants on an ant hill. But no, wait, like one of those ant hills that a kid has been poking at with a stick for like an hour. And the ants are pouring out of the ant hill to show that little bastard that they mean business. Like that kind of ant hill. Minus the anger.

I'm really just trying to hold down my excitement as S and I prepare for the move and spend our evenings discussing the relative sturdiness of cardboard boxes. What could be more exciting than that? Aside: It's definitely more exciting than reading ant hill cartoons, which are just atrocious in terms of comedic value. See above.
Do you really have a Twitter?
ReplyDeleteAnd do you guys need boxes?
For your own good, see the fracking movie! (swear word borrowed from Battlestar Galactica)
ReplyDeleteI don't tweet. I need boxes. I don't approve of alien curse words.