A commonly held fear by the two to one people who read my blog bi-monthly is that I will not have anything to write about now that our housing search is over. However, I've already begun to compile a list of topics that I plan to blog about over the next few months/years/decades. Including:
1) Are babies cute when they are born or are we all obliged to just call them cute? Note: According to my sister (congratulations on the boy!) they don't exactly come out looking like the baby from the Charmin commercials. Apparently it's more of a cross between Stewie from Family Guy and those crappy aliens from that over hyped movie Signs. I mean, all I get is like one scene with the aliens? The suspense wasn't killing me it was boring me to death.
2) How much money will it cost to turn our new home into Pee-Wee's playhouse?/What sort of mold will we be required to grow in our basement in order to facilitate this?
3) Is it better to buy something expensive and well-made or to buy something cheap because you got a good deal. And you can go home and secretly remind yourself every hour or so about the good deal you got on that lamp that is now adorning your end table. And yeah, maybe the lamp doesn't actually turn off without being unplugged/slapped vigorously, but it was like four times cheaper than that thing at Pottery Barn.
4) Learning to shop at Crate & Barrel. Learning why Crate and Barrel is such an effective name even though ostensibly crates and barrels are pretty boring things mainly useful for carrying root vegetables or rolling over Niagra Falls.
5) Meeting new neighbors/beginning a systematic assault on them in order to facilitate a move on their part/enticing friends or family to move in next door.
6) Lemonade Stands? Great way to have neighborhood fun? An opportunity to teach a child about cost-benefit analysis.
If my math is correct, and it often isn't, that should cover about the next six years of blogging.
Interpolation/Reminder of the sort of thing that we often forget, which is that occasionally things in life get better.
S: Oh my gosh!
M: What? (Said with anxiousness).
M: Is it a roach?
S: Well, (said with trepidation) it's a black spot on the floor.
S: Oh, wait. I guess that's just a piece of a brownie.
M: Are you still upset about it?
S: A little.
Interpolation #2 surrounding an ongoing discussion of whether to buy a new can opener, which I've been in favor of for months but have faced vociferous opposition to what is being characterized as a needless purchase when we have a fully functional can opener that is basically guaranteeing us both arthritis in our declining years. Ie next year.
M: Can you come in here honey? Note: I may or may not have said honey.
M: I don't seem to be doing anything to this can except fraying the paper edges.
S: (Begins to open the can).
M: Let me finish. (Almost finished opening can).
S: (Rubbing her arm). I may actually agree to your wish.
M: You're going to dress up like Barbara Eden from I dream of Jeannie?
S: I was thinking more along the lines of getting a new can opener.
M: Oh.
S: Are you upset?
M: A little.
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