Sunday, August 16, 2009

My last weekend

I'm spending my last weekend in style by working on Sunday. Nothing quite like the sweet feeling of not working made all the sweeter by working. S got her haircut today and I performed my husbandly duty of complimenting her on it when she got home.
S: (Turning her head from side to side in what could only be called a "girlish manner") Do you like it?
M: Like what?
S: My hair.
M: It looks different.
S: It looks different? (With the sort of tonal shift implied here that means something along the lines of, 'you better say something better than that if you know what's good for you.'
M: Yeah. It just looks different.
S: Do you like it?
M: Have you read those essays yet?
Note: The new haircut is fantastic it just took a little time to grow on me.....that pun killed a little part of me that probably won't ever grow back. I'll stop.

In other news, our continuing search for the perfect house continues. We're trying to rule out everything in the larger metro area, so that we can facilitate a move to rural Alabama and then commute in by jet. We're thinking that in the long wrong jet travel is going to be the most convenient/environmentally friendly way for us to work in DC.

I've now stayed up until 2 A.M. again, scouring the map of our humble city for great deals. I've now discovered that house hunting is about as addictive as cocaine. On the bright side eventually we'll reach an end point when we buy a house. Either that, or I'll start jonesing for housed even after we have our house, and S will discover me on the computer at 3 A.M. madly scrolling across neighborhoods and mumbling about access to transit and crime to density ratios.

8:00 A.M. Awake to find S already cleaning the house. Walk out to living room and demand that she return to bed.
8:30 A.M. Awake again and spend time searching for houses.
9:30 A.M. Threaten to make breakfast if S won't.
10:00 A.M. Sit down to a breakfast prepared by S. Insist that blueberries are freezer burned due to managements inability to plug in a refrigerator. Eat pancakes despite freezer burn.
10-12-Spend an inordinate amount of time picking up the house. I've learned that I really enjoy picking up the house, though it may actually just be a symptom of a subtle brainwashing being conducted by S. The results are still coming in.

S: I think they taste fine.
M: You'd say dirt tasted good if you'd cooked it.
S: It's too bad these blueberries are ruined.
M: Point taken.
Note: I pretty much have the same policy. Whenever I cook something I'd like to think that it's inherently good because I've cooked it. I'm engaging in what lit. folks call the intentional fallacy.

12-2 P.M. Think intently about working out. Search redfin for houses. Threaten to leave the house and drive around various neighborhoods to look at houses.
2:30 Conduct daily argument about housing priorities/make wild unfounded claims about S's desire to thwart our attempts to buy a house. I've found that daily discussions about houses tend to arise and eventually become discussions about kitchen space/ideological beliefs/access to transit/individual vs. collective society/climate change/free time/just about anything else you can think of, which makes home buying a real pain in the ass.

S: I feel like you're the one who keeps changing his mind.
M: (Silent contemplation)...You might be right. Note: Not something I say often. Like most of the human species I believe that I'm right at least 99 percent of the time. I'm guessing that most of us are close to 75 percent and when it comes to inconsistencies in our personality probably closer to fifty 50 percent because we create elaborate safeguards to mask our own deficiciences. Case in point, accusing S of thwarting my attempts to obtain a particular house whilst attempting to thwart her attempt at buying a house.

4:00 P.M. Work out despite forgetting my iPod. Watch people do skating tricks on television. Try and decide if skating is a cool thing to do or strange. Inconclusive evidence by the time the elliptical had reached thirty minutes. Disembark. No doubt the proper word to use in this case.
I've always regarded skate boarding as a lower end activity. Activity in this case being used as a descriptor that places Sboarding well below your normal baseball, football, basketball sorts of things. However, these guys were really talented and my own inadequacies when it comes to balance sports (skiing, snowboarding, skating et al) probably make me biased against the whole endeavor.

5-7:30 P.M. Drive around to various DC neighborhoods attempting to discover their relative viability as housing options. And in the process you go through all the same sorts of conniptions that are usually conducted in the privacy of our home but with that strange feeling of individuality that characterizes individual travel in a city, particularly to places unknown. I believe it is Balzac's flaneur that sets the modern standards for this phenomenon of feeling incredibly alone in a crowd of people and simultaneously exhilarated.

11-2:00 A.M. Search for housing options/research surgery options for a torn labrum. It's too late for a word quiz. More tomorrow.

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