Friday, August 21, 2009

Travels and travails in the heart of Texas

6:00 A.M. Wake up after six hours of sleep to the deathly sound of my alarm. Spend the morning discussing housing situation with S. Employ the term "I don't know" about a thousand times to show my degree of uncertainty.
6:20-6:50-Ride the metro train to Union Station. Why the heck are so many people on Metro this early in the morning? These people should obviously all be sleeping.
7:00-7:50-Wander confusedly around Union Station looking for a train. Get directed by employee to take MARC train. Walk to the train and briefly discuss with fellow passenger the non intuitive nature of the printed tickets.
7:50-8:00-Ride MARC bus to the terminal. Disembark and continue on my journey.
Things to note on my first flight to Atlanta. I was sitting right in front of a family of four It's strange, how much we loathe people for having children on a flight, looking at them as though they were some sub-class of human being. I mean, who brings kids on a flight? It's okay to have children, but they are suitable for car trips only. Our collective look says.
The couple behind me has four kids It makes you wish that the parents would show a litte self-restraint or practice recent inventions like birth control and the cycles method (joke duly noted).
The plane ride as punctuated by the voices of loud children. THe father calmly explained houses and occaisionally reminded his son to keep his voice low.
Not sleep 1.
Andrew 0
My second flight found me seated on an aisle with a baby, and with a baby in the aisle in front of me. Spend the whole flight shivering because the passenger in the middle seat has turned up the AC incredibly high because he's wearing a coat. It's 102 in San Antonio. Secretly curse my fellow passenger while shivering and in need of sleep.
Not sleep 2
Andrew 0

Place an offer on a house. Argue about retracting an offer on a house. Talk to real estate agent to gain reassurance. Put down new offer on house. Look at crime maps. Become discouraged that people commit crimes at all. Settle into a state of slight depression.

Canvas the bars of Austin, Texas. Stand on a rail overlooking the street as all the people pass by. Buy new clothes. Buy groceries. Ask my longtime friends how I look in a new shirt. Decry the non-hetero nature of our activity. Continue taking about it anyway.
4 A.M. Probably time for bed!

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