"We die only once but for such a very long time."
M: (After painting for five hours or so). You know, this wasn't so bad. Granted we've been doing this all day, but it's nice to be close to finished. I guess I could have spent the day writing or something, but honestly, I'm not even really an artist.
S: Oh honey. You're an artist. You're just a failed one.
Yes, after eight long hours of painting our living room is now green. And if you're wondering what type of green it is, it's...I don't know. Winter mint green, or mother earth green, or mother of pearl green, or light green or something. It's pretty incredible. If you came over to our house tomorrow or maybe even the next day, you'd probably look at the walls and just black out from how green it was.
I'm not worried about our green walls though because I've seen green walls on several televisions shows lately. If you're really interested in seeing the walls in our house, watch the show Modern Family on ABC 9 P.M. on Wednesdays. Anyhow, the gay couple on that show has the interior of their house painted a very similar green. I'd post pictures, but I think that someone else's house from a television show would really do it more justice.
Originally, I wanted to do an accent wall and put up some bold painting to match it, but S decided that we should probably just have all four walls as accent walls, which turns out to just be painting the whole room. I'm really excited that my life has taken off of late, and I'm becoming expert at "cutting in" (apparently it's not just for weddings...a little part of me just died inside with that joke) and "touching up."
But tomorrow I'm going to be able to go downstairs and sit in my fine green living room. Then I'll bore people with stories of how it accents the little arches and nooks in our house. And I'll use that word nook. Just you watch me! Then I'll spend an hour talking about various paint brands and suggest that Low VOC just had to be enough for us. (And I'll capitalize the Low part, so we're real clear on how good of a person I am).
We've been to see a few movies lately, and I feel obligated to mention a brief review of them. I have something longer to write about Avatar, but everyone in the known world has already seen it anyway, and probably made their own determination on its quality.
An Education- 7 out of 10This movie has a great title because the education is twofold. Life in the classroom and the classroom of life. The classroom of life is the sort of thing that I've always wanted to say. I'm sort of in love with Carrie Mulligan from this movie because she looks like Amelie, and I love Amelie. And it's just easier to transfer my love that way. Spoiler-the guy who she spends most of the movie with is about four years older than he should be, even with the whole Humbert kind of plot playing out. But at the beginning of the movie when people are exchanging dry witticisms I conclude once again that I was born on the wrong side of the pond.
Up in the Air-8.5 out of 10-I can't recommend this movie highly enough. George Clooney is in this movie, and as we all know, George Clooney is attractive. I suppose the tight script and somewhat of a surprise ending are also nice, but I'd really just see it for George. Who if you just call him by his first name sounds a bit ridiculous. George is the name of a stately white-haired seventy two year old man. I love people named George as a rule.
Summer Hours-8 out of 10. This is a pretty good french movie that you can watch on Netflix watch now. It's pretty much a movie about how people die and the fact that you have to divide up their things. And it's also a movie about how things, places etc. can have different meanings and values to different people. It's a fairly subtle (occasionally slow) movie with absolute gems tucked away inside seemingly simple conversations. The people in the movie just seem real. S would probably say they just seem real sad, but I really loved the subtlety of this movie. I thought it was quite good. And I'm not ashamed to say I cried twice while watching it. (Well, I'm a little ashamed to say that. I think their was a strong wind blowing in from our air vent, which probably just messed up my contacts and caused my eyes to water or something. And the second time I think I must have sneezed with my eyes open, which causes them to almost pop out of your head and definitely makes them water).
Up in the Air-
I like the fuji apple green and the wide, wide creamy baseboards . . .