Everything is a referendum. Some days I wake up and I'm just not feeling it. On those days what I'm actually doing is delivering a referendum to the sun. I'm pretty much, by rolling over and taking a thirty second break before I get out of bed, telling the sun that I'm not fond of its overlord polices of always delivering sun and warmth to the planet. You know what? Maybe some days I'd just like to keep the planet a bit cold, see what an ice age might do. And yes, I appreciate all the suns efforts at keeping us alive, but every once in a while the sun needs to step down from the sky and talk to us folks on earth. I'm tired of being marginalized and not listened to.
I can hear what you're saying. Why don't you take this up with the sun directly? I'm not going to do that though. I prefer to deliver my referendums from afar. I prefer for them to be a bit obscure but for people to extrapolate a great deal from them. I prefer to stay in bed some days so that my wife will come in and say, "Oh crap. He's delivering a referendum on the activities of the sun." Because that's the sort of thing we say to each other in the morning.
Sometimes the sun doesn't even ask me how best to go about delivering the sorts of things like light and heat that make our life possible. Sometimes, I feel like the sun is smarter and more capable than I am. Well I say, screw the sun! I'm the one should be calling the shots here! And then I go out in my back yard and root around in the grass and try and find a long stick that I can use to poke out the sun. And then my neighbor walks by and sees me rooting around amongst the sticks and realizes that I'm delivering a hell of a referendum to the sun. And he leaves and tells other people. And maybe even starts raising awareness about how I'm delivering referendums to the sun and that a wave of change is headed back our way. We're going to turn the planet back into ice. We're going to stop the tyranny of four seasons. We want one dammit! But at least we'll get to choose! Isn't that our right? To choose exactly what we want without the damn sun in our face all the time!
As far as I know that's how referendums work. You sort of need to build up a following and then just deliver your referendum. Then the sun will start panicking and start giving up on its plans to warm the earth, and maybe you'll come up with a compromise. But maybe you compromise a little bit. Perhaps the sun decides that it's going to continue to warm the earth, but it's not touching the poles. And you're just happy that you're finally being listened to that you don't even worry about the quality and the content of what you're saying. Your just a voice speaking to other voices who sound exactly the same. And one day, as you're curling up beneath your yurt, in the dead of winter in Antarctica, you realize that it might have been wise to wait things out a little bit, give them time to develop, read widely, think even more broadly, examine other galaxies to see how they've worked things out. Try to look past the edge of your nose so that when you sit down to deliver a referendum, it will be well thought out. But you can't. You kind of f-ed it up. And now you're freezing to death in the middle of winter and the closest thing you have to human contact is a sled dog you call Lassie, who may or may not be dead.
I can't believe you just killed Lassie. I'm going to have nightmares. NIGHTMARES!
ReplyDeleteI thought you didn't like politics.
ReplyDelete- Stephanie
what do you call a chicken crossing the road??
ReplyDeletepoultry in motion...
not lassie...!!! but fang!!
sounds more arctic
You think this post had to do with politics? Clearly, it was only about the sun.
ReplyDeleteDid you know you have an Ugg boot advertisement next to your page? Apparently they are having a sale. SALE!