In reality, he believed that every single person on the face of the earth (and perhaps those living on other planets, though he wasn't really sure about the other planets bit. He understood that it was scientifically probable, but it sort of took away from the idea of man as a special creation of some Divine power. Didn't it? That was why, in the end, he spent very little time considering the possibility of life on other planets) deserved to be heard. Every single one of them had the right to their own life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. (He acknowledged that the term happiness was fraught ((Not his exact word)) with all sorts of implications that philosopher's had been spending generations trying to sort out. Recently scientists had determined that happiness had to do with the ratio of smiles and laughs that a person indulged in during the course of the day). He knew a couple of mildly depressed people who laughed easily. This small bit of data unnerved him.
But when the shi- hit the fan. (Not that it ever literally hit the fan. I mean, where did that saying come from. Did someone toss shi- into fan and conclude that it would present a problem? One had to wonder about....)
He didn't really believe that. Or didn't want to believe it. Really, when he was sitting down maybe reading a nice book he kind of just wished, (as he was turning the page. The page was fluttering because of a thirteen mile an hour wind that was blowing out of the northwest. The page was of the extra thin variety generally reserved for Bibles. The wind was cold) that everyone would shut the hel up. That people would stop talking about the best way to fix the government or solve the climate problem. Wouldn't that silence be grand? If everyone would just shut the f up for a minute or two and listen? (He has an image her of Horton Hears a Who for obvious reasons). To him. To his own glorious opinion. The world was comprised of people who showed themselves to be consistently stupid, impatient, deadly, and just plain beneath the high standard that he set for himself. (He is holding a glass of lemonade in his right hand. It is sweating incredibly from the heat.) ((It's hard to imagine warmth like that in the dead of winter. Perhaps those who live in CA cannot appreciate what it feels like to have the sun coming through a large window at a low angle, the play of it across the furniture. How obsessed you can become with something you've taken for granted)).
In short, he wished everyone would cease all their bullshi- and just think exactly like him, so that the worlds problems could be fixed.
In this way, he was not unique.
The last line says it all.
ReplyDeletewhy do so many people have earphones in
ReplyDeletewhile hiking, walking, biking, shopping,etc
when they should just appreciate all the
wonderful sounds around them??
maybe the world would be a better place if more people listened and less talked??