This link is a long one, but it's the definitive piece on having squirrels in your house, and well worth the eight pages it got in The New Yorker.
Random venom infused aside.
S: Sometimes I run at work.
M: You what?
S: I run to get there faster.
Can you guess what I hate? People who run at work. Do you know why? Because people who run at work, or hell even walk really quickly, barring emergency of course, are communicating something to the rest of the office. That message: I'm so busy that I can't even walk from one task to another. My job is so much more important than yours that I have to hurry from thing to thing. You know what? You're not headed out to Air Force One, you need to go make some copies or have a meeting with some other people who probably run from office to office about whether we're going to have vending machines on our campus. You're not that busy!
I don't know anyone at my current job who hustles at work. Again, you're not the ninth man off the bench on a college basketball team, you don't get coaches attention by sprinting across the office to file a folder. However, I used to work with a lady at Univ. Of Michigan who was always doing a jog/fast walk thing around the office. You had to peer around corners to make sure she wasn't going to run you down like a freight train. And you know what? it was clear that she thought she was busier/more important than the rest of us. And she always wore full suits to work. I can see her right now just speeding around corners with a "really important" meeting to go to.
Guess what? She got promoted to a different office. Why? Because somebody probably saw her running into a meeting and thought, that lady has some real giddyup or some crap like that. If they'd taken the time to interview all of her colleagues they'd have said, "good riddance" that lady is obnoxious, running around the office like she's got somewhere to be. You can take her!
Vitriol dispensed.

It's cute because kitties don't talk. And just look at this kittie's hair. What will they think of next?
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